75 thoughts on “Mob Rule in Baltimore

  1. I hope white Democrats have too much sense than to express sympathy for the rioters.

    The black ghetto riots that happened in the United States from 1964 to 1968 turned the United States into a Republican country.

    These riots are a dangerous distraction from an issue that can win elections for the Democrats – the growing income gap.


    • They don’t. I see DWL friends of mine supporting the rioters and harshly criticizing anyone who criticize the rioters.


      • I can understand why members of the new left supported black ghetto rioters during the late 1960’s. For them the main issue was the War in Vietnam, which in retrospect I continue to see as tragically futile. The white left saw the black ghetto rioters as allies.

        Years later, Mark Rudd who was a prominent new left radical said, “The War in Vietnam drove us crazy, but where we were really wrong was in thinking a revolution was even remotely possible in the United States.”

        I cannot understand why white progressives today can feel any sympathy for black ghetto rioters now. Anyone with any sense should be able to see that the black ghetto riots that happened from 1964 to 1968 made the United States a Republican country. If many riots happen this summer and next summer, the Republicans will sweep the 2016 elections and control the United States.


      • “I cannot understand why white progressives today can feel any sympathy for black ghetto rioters now. ”

        Stupid is as stupid does.

        Stupid now, stupid forever.


      • “I cannot understand why white progressives today can feel any sympathy for black ghetto rioters now.”

        They don’t feel any sympathy for the black ghetto rioters; the rioters are simply tools to build the revolution they have always wanted. Just because Mark Rudd gave up on revolution in the Us, does not mean that all progressives did.


      • Then again, the Los Angeles riots of 1991 removed George Bush Sr. from office.

        Appreciate you keeping abreast?


      • The reason is the same as the reason liberals are liberal in the first place:

        extreme empathy mixed with extreme individualism.

        It leads to pathological altruism.

        In this case, if you are sharp, the pathology is that liberals are causing their movement to self-destruct in order to prove how much they care about the poor noble blacks.


      • Same. I got into it with a few acquaintances who were crowing about how evil it is to care more about property destruction than this worthless drug dealer’s life. When I pointed out that there were real faces behind these properties, and that they were lionizing a worthless drug dealer at the expense of good, law-abiding citizens who paid taxes and were innocently trying to conduct business in what is basically a war zone, I was called a “racist” and peppered with angry, sarcastic jeers about how I care more about police cars and buildings than people.

        Multicultists cannot be reasoned with. They don’t respond to facts as normal, rational people would. Indeed, the more factual your argument is, the more likely they are to attack you personally so that they may dismiss it out of hand as the insane rantings of a “racist” (i.e. someone who notices uncomfortable truths out loud). My friends list is much shorter this morning and my life is better for it. There is no compromise with anti-whites; may they someday experience firsthand what they so callously and cruelly dismiss when it happens to others.


      • Arguing with doctrinaire proglibs is the same as arguing with religious fundamentalists. It’s not a matter of “what” they believe, it’s “how” they believe. The former is amenable to reason, the latter isn’t. The difference between a proglib and a jihadist is only a matter of degree


      • “Multicultists cannot be reasoned with. They don’t respond to facts as normal, rational people would.”
        – This is exactly the reason why it will eventually result in violence just like it did in the former Yugoslavia in 1990. If you want to see what lays ahead for us just examine what happened there. Right down to where the UN had to step in.


      • I’ve lost some Facebook friends lately and several others demoted me to “acquaintance” status. Unfortunately, when you have unfashionable opinions, no matter how logical and reasonable you are, people will shun you because they are afraid of looking bad.


      • I deactivated my account last night. Facebook is a waste of my time. It’s not like anybody on there is listening to what I say anyway.


      • True. I bailed years ago once I learned they were saving my comments and God only knows how that info will be used once the lines of racial demarcation are drawn after the Baltimore/New Ft Sumter plays out.


      • “Actually, that’s not what happened.”

        Ask your acquaintances specifics about the Freddie Gray incident, or Trayvon, or Michael Brown, or Eric Garner… For example:

        “Why do you say Eric Garner was strangled to death? He died of a heart attack in the ambulance. And why do you say those white officers took the wrong approach? Did you know the ranking officer there was a black woman, a sergeant, who gave those orders?”

        “Why do you say Michael Brown was shot in the back? The autopsy shows no shots in the back” And… “There certainly is proof Brown tried to take the deputy’s gun — his DNA was found on it.”

        It’s astonishing, sometimes, to discover by asking such questions, how little about these incidents MSM followers know. The MSM purposely ignores key facts that weaken their false narratives. So your acquaintances often just don’t know any better. By probing their grasp of the facts, they’ll often have to abandon their lie-based arguments.

        BTW, in any given year, nationwide, less than 150 blacks are killed by cops (vs over twice as many whites). And certainly many of these shootings are warranted. There are 850,000 law enforcement officers in the USA. So that’s about one black person killed for every 6000 officers. TV magnifies these isolated events into seemingly important problems, but these killings are extremely rare, given our nation’s size.


      • I agree with you but then, I’m capable of listening to reason. Multicultists aren’t. When you respond with facts, they become increasingly emotional and desperate to shut you up. Fence-sitters are moved, however. Those are the people we want on our side anyway.


      • I lost some of my neighbors-friends over such discussions…good riddance. I don’t miss them.


      • Please forgive my ignorance: “DWL”?
        My search returned “Dying With Laughter,” which clearly does not fit in this context.


    • “I hope white Democrats have too much sense than to express sympathy for the rioters.”

      Hey….good luck with that.


      • I see some hope for the Democrats. The only thing the Republicans really care about is making the rich richer. Since the election of Ronald Reagan they have been good at that.


      • Funny, but I see the Democrats only caring about making illegals and minorities richer, at the expense of YT. The white working class are no longer in their viewfinder.


      • John,

        No one has made the rich richer than Obama.

        The FED’s QE printing of money, Zero interest rate policy and subsequent explosion of the stock market have made the 1% very rich indeed.

        Why can’t you see it?


      • Fortunately, Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama, so the facts do not exist. The rich got richer under Ronald Reagan. Most Americans did not.


      • John,

        You’ve seen the light on race (except for the Asian peril). I hope one day you will also see the Democrat party for what they are.


      • The Republican Party is the party for the rich. It always has been.

        What is so perilous about Orientals?


  2. Current Congressional Representation for Baltimore:

    Elijah Cummings, Black Democrat, 7th Congressional District, Maryland (Gerrymandered)

    John Sarbanes, White Democrat, 3rd Congressional District, Maryland (Gerrymandered)

    Dutch Ruppersberger, White Democrat, 2nd Congressional District, Maryland (Gerrymandered)

    ‘A Republican has not represented a significant portion of Baltimore in Congress since John Boynton Philip Clayton Hill represented the 3rd District in 1927.’ (Wikipedia)

    Elijah Cummings (one of three Democrat Congressional Representatives of Baltimore) has been in office since 1996. He has clearly done nothing to address the festering problems of Baltimore. Now he’s parading around Baltimore with a bull horn
    and pontificating from the pulpit and acting like he’s the savor of the city.

    Elijah Cummings is the problem not the solution.


  3. “It was his 19th arrest.”

    Why should someone that criminal ever be released? Maybe prison should be run more like a mental asylum, where you aren’t released unless there is evidence that you can be trusted to act like a sane adult.


      • Here are some quotes from an article discussing his criminal history at newsday dot com:

        “He has five prior arrests by the NYPD, on charges of criminal possession of a weapon, robbery, grand larceny and assault — twice — between 1999 and 2013, a police spokesman said.”

        “In November, Blackwell allegedly threatened a person in the neighborhood with a gun, smashed a first-floor window and then broke the person’s car windshield using a brick, the police official said.”

        “Blackwell has been behind bars on charges of attempted murder before, serving a full 5-year sentence in jail and in the upstate Clinton Correctional Facility for a 2000 incident in which he pointed a handgun, demanded property and fired shots at a car, according to state Department of Correctional Services records.”

        This is one relevant to the mental asylum idea:

        “Blackwell came to the attention of the NYPD in 1998 when he went into a precinct house, started yelling and became belligerent, a police source said. Blackwell was escorted out of the precinct house and reported as emotionally disturbed.”


    • Most of them would be lifers then. And even when they demonstrate that evidence that they can be trusted, they regress to the mean very quickly upon release. It is easy for said people to “behave” I a controlled environment like prison. And the rewards of that behavior are more pronounced, particularly early release. Once they hit the streets, and realize that their old ways will bring them much more instant gratification, good behavior is gone with the wind.


  4. “What primitive tribes do when the gods are angry — human sacrifice.”

    Hey man, Quetzalcoatl never demanded human sacrifices. That’s Aztecophobia. He just liked a bit of unnecessary surgery now and then.


  5. A group with an average IQ score of 85 (one standard deviation below norm) is absolutely amazingly stupid. Blacks will always be a problem for whites. Whites should cut off all support for blacks and put as much distance between blacks and whites as possible.


  6. “….given confidentiality, to reveal what “the neighbors” see about us??”

    Well it would have to be confidential, because those countries are just like ours….always looking for propaganda.


  7. The most annoying thing for me over that past week is how the media was coddling gang members. Were gang members planning to shoot police? Of course not, because the gangs themselves “said so;” so it must be true.

    Over the past week CNN, MSNBC, the daily show, and other libtard sources have informed me that gang members are:
    1. sometimes dangerous
    2. edgy
    3. when they are violent it’s because they are “marginalized”
    4. misunderstood by a “euro-centric” culture
    5. victims of the “racist” media
    6. of course they are victims of police brutality


    • Note how that Shabbaz New Black Panther Party guy is now wearing a suit and tie. He is following to the letter the RULES FOR RADICALS, that is, give up the “revolutionary garb” like long hair, military style clothes ala Castro, beards, etc. and don the suit and tie of Wall Street, get a law degree, and appear main stream. You will be taken much more seriously.

      I still see him as a dolt.


    • “misunderstood by a “euro-centric” culture”

      That is certainly true. At least I don’t understand gang culture. I hope it is different from inner city African American culture (which I don’t understand either).


  8. “What primitive tribes do when the gods are angry: human sacrifice.”

    Same thing happened with Zimmerman and Wilson. It also happens to people who don’t toe the line set by the gods. You know who it didn’t happen to? OJ.


  9. Finally, someone says it. I feel exactly the same way. When I finally became disgusted and found these great, what I call “alternative websites”, sometimes I missed the entire point of what was most likely a well thought, appropriate comment, because I wasn’t familiar with most of those abbreviations. I wonder if sometimes we lose people who are interested, and visit a site like this, because they feel instantly like they do not belong. Of course it doesn’t take long to learn them, but those “fence sitters” may not yet be inclined enough to do so.


  10. Jan.22,2017-Obama elected for third term as the President of the Nation of Islam,with this one being official.


  11. I doubt anyone is “standing in shadows and surreptitiously directing these riots from behind the scenes.”

    I do believe that if there are many riots this summer and next summer the Republicans will sweep the 2016 election. They will have much more power this time than in 1968, because they will control the White House, both Houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court.

    If this happens, I am sure there will be tax cuts for the rich. The Republicans will try to pay for them by “reforming entitlements.” That means cutting Social Security and Medicare.

    The “compromise” Republicans will work out on immigration will lead to more immigrants, but they will not be allowed to become citizens and vote. That is the perfect solution for the business community which has dominated the Republican Party since its founding in 1854. More immigrants admitted as guest workers and H1B Visa workers will lower wages for American citizens, but they will not be allowed to vote Democrat.


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