184 thoughts on “The Biological Reality of Race

  1. Race denial is a mass indoctrination technique used by liberals to psychologically prepare whites for their impending cultural and demographic genocide. This fanatical denial of human racial differences is often expressed using a number of media soundbites, such as “race does not exist” and “there is only one race, the human race.” This is how it works: when a white neighborhood is invaded by non-whites, no objection to 3rd world invasion is possible because everybody has already been mass indoctrinated into believing that race denialism is just common sense.

    Only white believers in the secular religion of social liberalism deny the biological reality of race. Non-whites know what race they belong to and have no problem discriminating against members of other races. When whites become minorities in their own countries, the first casualty of the coming race war will be this naive political correctness about race.


    • For some reason I’m reminded of Jedi mind tricks. It’s as if a Jedi walked up to every single White liberal in america, waved their hand and said, “race does not exist” and then on cue, the white sheep repeated, “race does not exist.”


    • Great post.
      Or anything 100% white-free, black, Asian or brown, LaRaza, NAACP, Asian Rights Council, neighborhoods, schools = Diversity.
      Anything 30% white, churches, neighborhoods, schools = targets of diversity police and must be flooded with non-whites to squash white supremacy.
      IOW, the white race and ONLY the white race is a social construct, except when it comes to affirmative action, quotas and time tables, then the white race is clearly defined


      • I think that this is why they go to such comical lengths to demonstrate their “color-blindness”. They are extremely sensitive and concerned with race; moreso I suggest, than any of the people on this “hate” website.


      • I think you can find racism and prejudice more in the black community than anywhere else. Most of the racism and prejudice in the white community comes from Liberals,Progressives and the Democrat Party!


  2. The same leftists who say that race is a delusion of bigoted minds insist they can determine the precise race and ethnicity of every applicant for admission to a university or for a job for purposes of administrating affirmative action programs.


  3. If blacks and latinos are really more genetically prone to violence, what do we do with them? The criminal justice system is based on the concept that everyone has equal capacity for moral responsibility. So if a black man has a genetic propensity towards being a murderer or rapist, how can he be fairly held responsible for acting on what his genes compel him to? Would it be fair to punish that same black man for being 6’2 as his genes compel him to be?

    Should a white man who commit these crimes under similar circumstances be held more responsible in the eyes of the law than a black man, since whites have a lower genetic propensity towards violence? These are real questions that have to be answered if we begin to acknowledge racial differences in behavior.


    • Good Point, but unfair assumption…and I ‘d like to already conclude that as far a native Indians go in Canada, this is already the case…they are already being considered less accountable for a similar crime committed by a white man…based solely on their cultural upbringing, and native background.
      I guess this is the new form of white privilege!


      • So the KKK should be held to lower standards than anyone by the synopsis of most of the intelligent folks in here.


    • >>
      These are real questions that have to be answered if we begin to acknowledge racial differences in behavior.


      Because the only racial reality that matters is that of the victim. We have prisons, not to punish or reeducate criminals but to remove them from proximity with their victims. Because this is our instinctive reaction (shunning) from the time our children are old enough to “She started it!” need separation from each other’s mayhem.
      Other races prefer a straight up beating I’m told.

      I am of the view that feeding a monster DepCor rent seeking bureaucracy is foolish because you end up paying more to deprive someone of their freedom than you would simply exiling them in place.

      24,000 dollars a year in medium and 40,000 dollars a year in max security prisons.

      “Hey sweet child of mine, when you go to work at McDonalds this evening and come home smelling of grease and sweat and raw meat and feeling awful because of all the industrial contaminants you bathe in, please remember that the ENTIRETY of your not-living wage goes to keep ONE MAN in prison for a crime. Where he does nothing.”

      And that that man is 7X more likely to be black if it’s a violent crime and 8X more likely to be a black if it’s a property crime. A black is12 times more likely to make a white a victim of ANY crime than a white is a black.

      Watch their bright jewel eyes go dead and dull when they realize what this means.

      And here is the hypocrisy of it all:

      We could do better, economically, releasing these people from any social responsibility whatsoever in trade for a fixed welfare rating and exile to criminal-only communities for the minimum yearly SSI amount of 8,400 dollars.

      We could provide them with a low time-served incentive to allocute based on a minimum sentence that was half as dire as what they do now for what (to them) are petty things like robbery. In trade for accepting a death penalty after their third offense, based on predilection towards anti-social behavior.

      And the reason that we don’t reach these nominally ‘smart people’ realizations.
      The reason that we cannot force these ‘In our best interests, you are not welcome.’ choices upon people we do not like to associate with?

      They were once slaves.

      VIctims of their stupidty, lack of civic loyalty to their own and of course of their strength as biped farm implements. When 3% of our population, mostly wealth class, decided to employ them as such without asking any of us.
      All of which is racially, genetically, based. The blacks for not having a society that was technologically, culturally, strong enough to fend off the incredibly tiny minority of whites and other blacks who ventured into their homelands to kidnap, rape and torturously imprison them. And the whites (us) for thinking, after generations of having ‘gotten away with it’ that such actions would have no consequences for them and theirs.

      Race doesn’t exist except that it serves other races, not our own, in pursuing a victim entitlement agenda.

      Whites who are, -by far- the largest, continuing, victims of Hispanic/black/Asian/Jewish (yes, they have announced it, with pride, based on ‘recent DNA discoveries’) racial victimization, do not get to have a race.

      I told you it was a exercise in hypocrisy.


      • Prisons are used to lock up black men for no reason, only to keep them away from white women. (see post #1).

        There is disparate impact in the prison system because innocent blacks are locked up due to their color to remove them from society.


    • “If blacks and latinos are really more genetically prone to violence, what do we do with them?”

      The answer to the above question is glaringly obvious.

      Separation. Separation yesterday, separation today, Separation forever!!!


      • Well that is a real popular answer here and one with which I wholeheartedly agree but it will NOT happen. That is a delusion as surely as the list of African inventions.


      • I disagree. Separation is the only solution and will eventually happen. Humans naturally want to live with their own kind and do not like being forced together because some Marxist in power says it has to be that way.
        Wait until resources become scarce and watch how people divide themselves up. It will be along racial, not class lines as the Marxists tell us.
        Human nature has a strong way of overriding Marxist ideals.
        Ask those who lived through the breakup of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia how people divided themselves up after the USSR fell.


    • Charles Murray is in favor of keeping the legal system as simple as possible. Those offenders of average lower intelligence generally fail to see the relation between their actions and the consequences because the left has turned morality into such a relative subject where offenders are punished less or not at all based on the circumstances instead of clear punishments for certain illegal action.


      • Teaching rules to low-IQ people is like teaching rules to little children. Do not make it too hard for them to comprehend, otherwise they will be more prone to violate those rules.


      • It needs to be administered Islam style – permitted or forbidden. So simple and requires no thought. Considering the abstractions of right v. wrong, good v. bad, true v. false that we accept as normal assessment is too complicated for much of the third world.


      • It needs to be administered Islam style – permitted or forbidden.

        Good points. The comparison with Islam is one that I will memorise, because it helps to clarfify how we need to communicate with the Third World folks. They do not understand difficult ideas, only simple ideas, like black and white.


      • How do you arrive at that conclusion?

        I never said that I think that Islam is the truth.

        In fact, my comment was mocking Islam as a simple-minded religion.


      • Because most people in this world is below average. I used to think about the barbarity of Sharia Laws but now I am convinced that it is exactly the medicine for the most of mankind.


      • Sure, Sharia Laws do work for the not-so-brainy races. We should never have tried to bomb them into democracy. Rather, we should have acknowledged that they already have the eternal answer to their own barbarity: their cruel but simple religion.


      • however, the Jews too have their own barbaric laws, yet, this doesn’t hamper their ascension to wealth acquisition. what is then the modern religion? is it Christianity?


      • Maybe a race realist philosophy would be the most modern religion that we can think of. It would be based on science and esp. biology.


      • yes, but this doesn’t answer God question, I think the best would be Islam that has room for Western philosophy and arts.


      • you have your envy with the Muslims, Muslims that have no hesitation on capital punishment, Muslims that have no doubt on polygamy and large family, Muslims that endorse traditional family where women can choose to stay at home. Muslims with their universalism yet still very nationalistic patriotic about their own roots. It is just that Islam is still foreign Middle Eastern religion whereas Christianity has transformed into European religion albeit with its Middle Eastern root.


      • Muslims that have no hesitation on capital punishment, Muslims that have no doubt on polygamy and large family, Muslims that endorse traditional family where women can choose to stay at home. Muslims with their universalism yet still very nationalistic patriotic about their own roots.

        Hmm. You do have a point. But I do not like polygamy. It is not European, but it is something that Browns do. Those points that you mentioned are OK with me, but I am not particularly enthusiastic about the current belief system of Islam. It is backwards. There are good reasons to not have the same religion as Middle Easterners, including miscegenation. The more different we are, the less likely it becomes that miscegenation between Europeans and Middle Easterners will occur. I hope one day we can solve the Muslim question in Europe by deporting all of them, but it seems unlikely that we are going to get back our freedom without a fight. Joining the Muslims is not what we need. We need to stay different, be different and increase our difference.


      • Off-topic. I’ve 1991 upvotes now! Yay. That number looks like a year, but it’s off by only one vote from my birth year, 1990. Awh. I missed my upvote birth year number!


      • What do you mean it’s not European? Kings have their own flings and bastards, so do the big bosses. Polygamy suits perfectly with European sexual beahvior which is between Asian and African. There are limitations also for Muslims to be permitted for polygamy, one most important pre-requisite is to be rich, back in the Middle Age, we can assume that rich equals intelligence, therefore, it’s very scientific and eugenic.Christianity with dysgenic celibacy and monogamy on the intelligent, rich and pious, has just destroyed Europeans.


      • I am totally in favour of eugenic practices, but I have little reason to support the notion of polygamy. As far as I know, Northwestern Europeans have always tended to be more monogamous. I know that polygamy was allowed in pre-Christian Germanic society, but as far as I know it was not a widespread practice. Northwestern Europeans have probably never widely practised polygamy, even before Christianity ruined pre-Christian European culture.


      • It’s allowable, even among Muslims, polygamy marriage is still low in number, only the rich and religious do that. But, think of a farm where your good stocks are short in number, what would be your solution? Polygamy is very scientific in eugenic society combined with fasting, one child policy and monogamy on the poorest.


      • I agree with your way of reducing the number of low-IQ people, but poor =/= low-IQ, and rich =/= high-IQ. An idea would be to oblige everyone to take an IQ test in order to find out who is fit for more than one child.


      • I do not earn the money. My husband does. I am just a home-staying mother who dislikes “modern” society.


      • yes, you don’t need too. you have the rights to stay at home, job is an option, it’s man’s duty to provide.


      • you have the rights to stay at home, job is an option, it’s man’s duty to provide.

        That’s what I like to hear. I have been advocating this notion here.


      • Being a home-staying mother is a tough job too. You do not directly earn money by it, but you spare money and you can take good care of your children.


      • Mother and Father have different duty but equal values. The yin and yang. The Material and Spiritual needs, all have to be provided, in order to create happy and wholesome family.


      • I agree, and we need to teach men to respect traditional women so that traditional women feel that their traditional roles are honourable, like men want to feel respected in their own way.


      • Off-topic. AndrewInterrupted thought that I was a feminist, but I am not. I just say it, so you know. I am in favour of the 19th-century traditional woman ideal, and I might also be in favour of arranged marriage instead of non-arranged marriage. I am also in favour of kinship-based families, i.e. more focus on the bloodlines.


      • to be practical, all receiving state’s assistance to live, should be placed in a camp to receive mental re-education and “lifestyle” coaching. lifestyle coaching means to be educated about fasting, monogamy, and one-child per family until they could make use of themselves.


      • I agree with that. I am not in favour of democracy in any way, because I believe other systems can be much more effective. Even Winston Churchil acknowledged that democracy is a bad system.


      • I still do not support polygamy. I do not believe it will be effective in European society. Polygamy does give a lot of social problems. This is also the case in the Arab world. Women tend to be envious of each other, let alone women who are the wives of the same guy.


      • I think it all depends on the kind of women involved and the man as the head of household. Some women can tolerate it, it is just an option, but it would be great if it’s compulsory for the smartest of a nation.


      • I would rather give birth to 10 children than let my husband have another wife. I think that many women would share this sentiment. But maybe you can argue with smart people in this way: “If you do not get more than X children with your current wife, you will be obliged to take another wife.”


      • I think it’s also state’s duty to matchmake him with another smart and equal women. Perhaps, the womenfolks just need to be educated about this.


      • I support the notion of arranged marriage because it can be used for eugenic purposes. We could oblige people to take DNA tests and IQ tests to match them with the right partners.


      • Romans, pagan Germans were all different, yet, they couldn’t resist the appeal of spiritual monotheism. By being Muslims in fact, you could deport the foreigners, because as a Muslim you would be educated not to care about the life in this world and instead to invest more on the Hereafter. Will your philosophy make you steadfast in the face of death? otherwise it will not be successful.


      • It can make you steadfast in the face of death. If National Socialism could motivate people to fight to the death and to never surrender, then I believe any other philosophy can do the same. By the way, Germanic Heathens did not convert because Christianity was so appealing. It was because Christians had a strategy that Germanic Heathens lacked. Germanic Heathens adopted that strategy too late. Christianity was not really such a special religion. Christians just had a few strategic advantages over Germanic Heathens at the time.


      • OK, I remember the Japanese did the same. But, I think one of the weaknesses I can foresee is the lack of solidarity with other nations. Whereas the Muslims could just quit their job and volunteer for Jihad in faraway lands.


      • Liberals do not lack solidarity when it comes to defending some vague concept of democracy. Muslims volunteer for Jihad, liberals volunteer for democracy. It just depends on how you teach something to people. If you want people to have racial solidarity, then you should teach them to that end.


      • OK, I think the mind ecosystem needs to be planned on why Ukrainians need to be brothers with the Russians, or the French, or the Germans. And what is future of Soul? if we have one. Why are we here, etc. I see the truth in Qur’an, that’s all, but it should have room for every ethnic self.actualization and development, as matter of fact, I just found the verse that supports it, and make use of the Third Worlders, there is a big ecosystem here, just like our mega biodiversity.


      • Currently 30% of the ethnic German population is Nordic. I want Germany to become 100% Nordic, and I do not want Germans to mix with non-Germans, although I support the notion of brotherhood with other Whites. I am just pro-German and pro-Nordic, because I just support what I am myself and I support my family. Nordics tend to be overrepresented in grammar schools and universities in Germany. The eugenic programs that you proposed could be put to good use for the purpose of increasing the number of Nordics. I might even support polygamy for the purpose of increasing the number of Nordics. I would do everything for that purpose, because I want more people like myself.


      • Oh, that would be hard to swallow for Bavarians, Austrians, and all non-blonde Germanic stocks. But, currently the most productive states are in the South, they give instead of taking money from state’s coffer.

        This is the reason why ethnic-based philosophy alone would not work, most people are not blondes, they will hate and envy the Nordics, no nation can live alone. Germany lost the war because it couldn’t make Russian peasants to be loyal with them, and instead supported their own communist folks, no matter their rule had been detrimental for them.

        You have to make use the lower member of society, human race, Play in the eco system and take your position. Disarm them and use them towards your or common goal.


      • It is not hard to teach everyone the Nordic ideal. There is already a certain Nordic ideal in Western society. It has always been there, and the true reason that Nordics exist is that there has always been such a Nordic ideal. Everyone can easily be taught to love Nordics, because Nordics are special. If people are taught to love a certain group of people, they will not start hating that group of people. They will basically “worship” that group of people. We could start by censoring all non-Nordic female models in Germany. Only showing pictures of Nordic female models will start the process of “Nordicisation.” The Bavarians and Austrians will not object. There are no Germanic stocks which have no Nordics. All Germanic stocks have a certain % of Nordics, but the # of Nordcis has been declining for far too long now. The tide needs to be turned.

        This is the reason why ethnic-based philosophy alone would not work, most people are not blondes, they will hate and envy the Nordics, no nation can live alone. Germany lost the war because it couldn’t make Russian peasants to be loyal with them, and instead supported their own communist folks, no matter their rule had been detrimental for them.

        I could use the same argument “that race-based philosophy would not work, most people do not belong to the White race, they will hate and envy Whites, no nation can live alone.” It is a non-argument. It is true that we need to anticipate on the danger that people will hate and envy Nordics, as I mentioned above, but that will not take too long. If people can be taught to hate “racists”, then they can also be taught to love Nordics. Indeed, everyone needs to participate in this project. No one should be left out of it. It will not take very long until Nordics are 100% of the German nation, because a large-scale eugenic project to increase the numbers of the Nordic type in Germany might take only a few generations to accomplish its final ends.


      • Perhaps it is in your Nordic blood to see things in their good natured ways and underestimate the power of hate and envy, but the proof is in your WWII history. People love Nordics but it is not like what you think, the correct analogy would be people love money or beauty, but when they have none, they hate and envy those who do.

        And the Jews and the Left-Radicals will always be the envious, they respond not to facts but their own emotions, they would always be anti-establishments.

        To get all Germany to be 100% Nordics, you need to make the Nordic men to have extra wives or donate sperms and exclude non-Nordic men in dating game or create stupid wars and consript them all and hope to never comeback. Even among Germans this would create disaster, as there is nothing on the table left for the non-Nordics to gain.

        Maybe, what you can do is to be in a secret cult (harmless, nothing crazy, more less Nordic look alike hobby club), and game the system from state’s social assistance while you can by having so many children and matchmaking among yourself. The more tribal, higher is the chance for survival, perhaps a new clan name is necessary in order to be easily identified.


      • I also pondered myself, the same question would have been raised by Pharaoh, but the Jews won at the end, so I think whatever your philosophy is, you should not do it in opposition to the Jews or Muslims, Christians, Hindus, etc. See if there is a God, and follow Him and make a small room for your own philosophy to grow under His Tree so you can be preserved.

        I think the Jews are the Chosen Ones but that because the promise God made with Abraham. And his progeny are to be made as Kings for the Nations and that because they have to carry message of monotheism. Not to be literal Kings where they can enslave the Gentiles. As God of universe is also God to the Gentiles.

        So, I am Muslim because I found the truth and that truth is proven by facts. 1,400 years ago there was a Gentile prophet brought Judaism for the Gentiles, and he came from Ishmael’s, exactly fitting all the prophecies.

        Well, I guess that’s all what I want to say in this thread and good luck to your struggle.


      • so I think whatever your philosophy is

        My philosophy is based on traditional German culture and eugenics. My motto is: Repatriate whoever fails a DNA test for German ancestry.

        I am a person who tries to solve problems or seek solutions without getting into trouble with others unnecessarily. I do not get into trouble just to get into trouble, but if getting into trouble is the only way as a means to an end, I will not have any regret about my decisions.

        you should not do it in opposition to the Jews or Muslims, Christians, Hindus, etc.

        I have nothing against religionists, and my views about Nordics have nothing do to with any religionists. Although other race realists might disagree, I perceive Jews as our models for ethnocentrism and group strategy, Catholics as our models for organisation, Hindus as our models for self-control, etc. Different religions tend to store enormous loads of information that might be very valuable to us. Therefore I think that we should be open-minded to religionists.

        or create stupid wars and consript them all and hope to never comeback.

        Not only do I have empathy for non-Nordic Germans, but also the sinister plan of sending them to war, hoping they never come back, is wrong in itself, because the huge risks which are associated with that plan render it very unlikely that the plan would ever succeed, and the plan is wrong in itself because the plan would only kill men and might result in a crushing defeat for Germany. Aditionally, empathy is what distinguishes a normal human being from a psychopathic would-be mass murderer.

        and exclude non-Nordic men in dating game

        A one-child policy for non-Nordics in combination with propaganda that promotes childless life for non-Nordics will work better than forced exclusion of non-Nordics from dating game. Moreover, if a one-child policy in combination with propaganda that promotes childless life is enforced for non-Nordics and if the fertility rate of Nordics is increased by every means possible, such as surrogacy and even cloning, it will definitely take Nordics only one generation to become the indisputable majority in Germany.

        I guess that’s all what I want to say in this thread

        Although you might not yet appreciate my worldview, you are someone whom I would like to debate more often. I respect your views, and I am interested in hearing more from you.


      • 😀

        I think it’s better with e-mail, but I could not post PM with Disqus. I will reply later and a bit longer.


      • I think it’s better with e-mail

        Give me your e-mail real quick and edit the post when I say that I have it. I’ll send you a mail so that you have mine. OK?


      • I recommend 10minutemail dot com for such purposes. Creates a disposable throwaway email not linked back to user accounts that may be linked to real information of yours.


      • Augur proposed using 10minutemail DOT com (see his message below). I’m not yet familiar with it, so I am going to check it out.


      • I like it when people actually try to network and communicate outside of the limits of these forums.
        Usually leads to some interesting conversations (currently learning a Lot about the plight of white South Africans from a poster living there).
        Got the notification saying that you were now following me (that just sounds bad :), so feel free to email at:


      • It’s up on quite a few of mine. I’m re-visiting the idea of organizing an Afrikaner aid project and that’s the address I created for interested parties to contact me at.
        The NSA has had my info long ago if they’re that interested in this place. And I have more guns than liberals, so they don’t worry me. 😉


      • It would delight me to debate you more often, because you have interesting and also though-provoking views. I do not mind hearing opposing views and the arguments for them, because all I want is to have or acquire a rational worldview. If I am an honest truth-seeker, I do not fear any views or arguments.

        the correct analogy would be people love money or beauty, but when they have none, they hate and envy those who do.

        I have thought about this analogy for some time. The issues of your first and second paragraphs are hate and envy. You claim that WWII history is proof of your claim that people tend to be jealous haters for different reasons, such as money and beauty. Claiming that WWII history is proof for anything is such a huge claim that I have to ask you this question: Could you name any examples to back up and explain your claim?

        I will not further discuss your claim about WWII history, because I foresee that while you might know examples from the top of your head to back up and explain your claim, it would waste too much of my time to investigate such a huge claim myself. It is only your duty, not mine, to back up and explain your claim. You have the burden of proof when you make a claim. Currently, your claim seems unfalsifiable to me because I do not yet know enough about it. When you have provided me with more information, your claim might turn out to be falsifiable. You know now what needs to be done.

        Leaving the above question about your claim about WWII history up to you, I will however focus on your claim that people are jealous haters, because you have provided me with enough information to make an accurate assessment of that claim.

        Although you claim that I underestimate your claim about people, it has to be proven that your claim about people is true for Europeans, esp. Germans. The question is: Do they tend to be jealous haters? Or what else do they tend to be?

        Your analogy seems to indicate that you basically claim that the main reason for hate and jealousy is lack, e.g. of money and beauty. Also you seem to assume that a large-scale eugenic project for the increase of Nordics in Germany will lead to lack among non-Nordics.

        We could take a look at Spartan society. Spartan boys were not given enough food, so that they would have to steal from Spartan slaves. Spartan boys lacked food. Did they therefore hate or envy Spartan slaves? Or what else motivated them to steal?

        If your claim is true, then Hinduism is proof that this can be cured through indoctrination, because Hindu teachings successfully cause people to accept their fate, no matter how miserable it is. If your claim is not always true, then how can lack lead to hate and jealousy? Gossip might be the main channel through which lack might lead to hate and jealousy.

        Gossip is propaganda, esp. by those who lack for those who lack. Therefore the only way to intercept this is counterpropaganda. Propaganda is a means to an end. Therefore it is like any normal tool that a farmer might use to work the land. Propaganda is used to either indoctrinate or teach people. If people want to indoctrinate or teach, there must be a motive.

        Now it is time to return to your unstated assumption that a large-scale eugenic project for the increase of Nordics in Germany will lead to lack among non-Nordics. I have to say that this is not necessarily true, because one might seek a balance between what one gives and does not give to Nordics and non-Nordics. Endeavouring to increase the number of Nordics through a large-scale eugenic project and endeavouring to satisfy both Nordics and non-Nordics are not mutually exclusive.

        If your claim about people is true, it will have effect on the preferred course of action but it will have no effect on the question whether a large-scale eugenic project for the increase of Nordics in Germany is feasible. Your claim about people seems to have caused you to assume that such a project is not feasible. The reason or argument for that unstated assumption is mistaken for the reasons that I have pointed out above.

        Returning to your claim about people, how can a balance be made between gifts that are bestowed upon Nordics and non-Nordics? Although experts will work to increase the fertility rate of Nordics by every possible means, experts might also work to create special legal, social and economic advantages for non-Nordics over Nordics.

        Although non-Nordics have their needs not much unlike Nordics, Nordics are the victims here because their numbers have been systematically depleted through intermarriage with non-Nordics for a very long time and without any project to save Nordics it is not going to take very long until Nordics will be a fading memory in the minds of those who belong to Homo sapiens or the White race.

        Even though BBC and Sunday Times falsely reported between 2002 and 2006 that a scientific study had estimated that natural blondes would become extinct by 2202 (see Wikipedia article Disappearing blonde gene), Nordics will really be no more in a few centuries like Whites if current trends of intermarriage and low fertility rate continue. This is a life of death struggle of myself and people like myself.

        The tide has to be turned, and this time the odds have to be with us, or else people like myself will be no more. Our death would be eternal and the likes of myself would never walk the earth again. Reality is worse than our worst nightmare, but those who accept reality will be more prepared to face the challenges of survival on this planet than those who are with their minds in loony fairytale land.

        Instead of welfare to non-Whites and foreign aid to Black Africa, every Nordic family should receive a reward for every Nordic child that is born. That reward should increase relative to the amount of Nordic children that the family already has. An extra reward for highly desirable traits, such as high IQ and high self-control, might not be out of place.

        Here is an illustrative but fictional example of the not yet fully developed idea that is mentioned in the previous paragraph:

        1st child: 5K

        2nd child: 10K

        3rd child: 15K

        4th child: 20K

        5th child: 20K + free rent

        6th child: 25K

        7th child: 30K

        8th child: 35K

        9th child: 40K

        10th child: 40K + free food

        Returning again to your claim about people, this article argues that being a liker or hater has to do with personality and genetics:

        What the researchers found was that there was certainly lots of variation between what people liked and disliked. But, oddly, at a general level, people were split between likers and haters.

        In other words, some people tended to like stuff even though they didn’t really know much about it, and some people had the tendency to hate stuff, whatever it was.

        The authors of this article argue that this initial stance towards anything and everything is a facet of personality. In the same way that you can be either extroverted or introverted, you can also be a ‘liker’ or a ‘hater’.

        So, the answer to why the haters have to hate is that it’s built into them at the level of their personality.

        Now, how you might become a like[r] or a hater in the first place, we don’t yet know. Likely, it’s got a lot to do with genetics. Some people are born haters, others born likers. [Why Haters Have to Hate, Psyblog]

        I know another article which says that studies show that personality is genetically determined:

        Nature rather than nurture is responsible for creating your personality, according to a study of twins which found that character is something you are born with.


        Genes play a greater role in determining key personality traits like social skills and learning ability than the way we are brought up by our parents, researchers claimed.

        Researchers from Edinburgh University studied more than 800 sets of identical and non-identical twins to learn whether genetics or upbringing has a greater effect on how successful people are in life.


        Writing in the Journal of Personality, the researchers found that identical twins were twice as likely as non-identical twins to share the same personality traits, suggesting that their DNA was having the greatest impact. [It’s nature, not nurture: personality lies in genes, twins study shows, The Telegraph]

        Now I will consider the most important question: Are Whites jealous haters?

        1. Remember, Whites are the same race which is very willing to collectively lower its own birthrate to a suicidal level for the sake of the planet and environment.

        2. Remember, Whites are the same race which cares the most about the protection of wild life and is willing to donate its fairly earned money to that “noble cause.”

        3. Remember, Whites are the same race which is very willing to pay for the welfare of a high % of the dysfunctional minority population.

        4. Remember, Whites are the same race which has donated one trillion dollars over the past sixty years to foreign aid to poor, dysfunctional Black Africa.

        5. Remember, Whites are the same race which is resolutely willing to commit collective suicide on the ground of its own morals.

        Whites are resolutely willing to commit collective suicide for the strangest, supposedly altruistic reasons, so I rather see a race of suicidal altruists than a race of jealous haters! Islam might teach that people are jealous haters, because it is a religion that originates in the Middle East. Whites are not Arabs. Therefore do not attribute Arab traits to Whites.


      • everyone wants to have their own share of happiness, what would be the comfort for the downtrodden whites? if you don’t cater that, they would revolt or sabotage your welfare by being envious (jews, left-liberals). there should be room for spiritual life, or it would not work at all. the poor and the rich need each other.


      • The question is still worth asking and WOULD be endlessly debated by the left IF a miracle happened and the reality of differing group “norms” for violence were recognized. “Mens rea” is a very real and important element of real crimes, though having little or nothing to do with modern administrative law which is only concerned with “Did you violate a regulation?”.

        Don’t blame harold for asking what we all know would become the focal point of the white-race destroyers under such a condition. Such attempts are made even now when they point out a perp’s “troubled childhood” or “violent environment”.


      • After the loss of christian traditions, criminals can only be seen as victims of their circumstances. This is because those defending the notion of ‘free will’ have lost the debate. If there is no ‘free will’, then all you have as tools to make a decision are your genetically determined psychological characteristics which are either positively or negatively affected by your current or past environment(s).


      • When the U.S. collapses, and it will because the current economic system is unsustainable, there will be massive chaos and anarchy with non-whites coming after whites. All this ‘free will’ and ‘they know not what they do’ will be out the window, natural instincts will take over and it will be fight or die. It’s been forever so throughout human history. The fighting spirit is in us deeply buried but it will surface when our children have no food, water or living space.
        Blacks will lose because they have low IQs and don’t have the intelligence or brain power to wage war with whites.


    • These are real questions that have to be answered if we begin to acknowledge racial differences in behavior.

      You are putting the cart before the horse. No ethical questions have to be answered before we accept the reality of race. You have not been ethically persuaded to believe in race denialism, but you demand to be de-converted on the basis of ethics.

      Although it is not a rational demand, I can understand it. The answer to your demand is very simple: Race denialism is much more dangerous than race realism, like it is much more dangerous to ignore a medical condition for a patient or doctor than to accept it.


    • This is true and something I have pondered at some length. I believe that practically speaking, it is somewhat akin to the arbitrary distinction that one is mentally competent to make contracts at age 18 but not 17. There is a minimum threshold of presumed responsibility above which one must sleep in the bed one has made. Even if we all come to the agreement that blacks have an *average* IQ of 85 in America, they would not be considered mentally incompetent on that basis as it stands today. Generally, someone must be below about 70 to present a defense on the basis of mental impairment. Since the entire structure of age of consent is based on suppositions about group norms of competence, the same system could certainly apply even in cases where there is a recognition of differing group norms for violence. The go/no-go threshold could still be set to some level that is generally acceptable to the larger society i.e. this would not be a get-out-of-jail-free card based on race alone. Even now, when “retardation” is used as a defense that is not the equivalent of a dismissal or acquittal. It is usually employed to avoid a potential death-penalty or something. As it is now, even pre-teen children guilty of particularly serious crimes are being tried “as adults” so that they can be kept away from society beyond the 18th year as they present a clear and predictable danger. The same sorts of reasoning could figure into criminal sentencing even if group average distinctions are recognized by the law.


      • The entire legal system was designed by whites for whites, it is reflection of white mores and DNA. It was not designed for irrational blacks and browns of low intelligence and prone to violence and that’s why it doesn’t work for them.
        Common Law, upon which our legal system is based, originated in a place and time where there were no violent blacks to deal with; they would have been quickly put to death and certainly not allowed to live amongst whites, especially white women and children.


    • If Segregation is in place, there is no need for anyone to wrack their brains to try to find an answer for how to handle this. If Negroes only inhabited a certain all Negro section of America, or just lived in Africa, how to handle their violence would not be an issue for Whites. The only reason there is an issue at hand with this is because Negroids are not compatible with Caucasoids. If they were meant to live amongst us, God would not have put them specifically on the African continent South of the most formidable desert on the planet. Obviously, our creator created different races of humans, and meant for us to inhabit different sections of the earth, and did not intend for us to intermingle on a daily basis. If our creator had wanted this, he would have mixed Negroids, Caucasoids, and Mongoloids willy nilly everywhere on earth, and all humans would have quickly become one race. This is surely not the case. The Americas were originally inhabited by the AmerIndians. Their miscegenation with Whites in South America did not re-create the Mediterranean society of the Spaniards and Portuguese, but a society vastly different from those societies in fundamental ways. Why did this happen? Race. The AmerIndians have a different temperament from Europeans, created a different society from us, and are even different from us physically. Miscegenation creates chaos, because birds of a feather are meant to flock together.


    • Those who create society get to create the rules. This country started out as a White-Euro Christian society. If you come to this country or are born into it, you should be aware of the rules and the consequences of breaking them. If you find you have propensity towards a anticancer type of anti-social behavior, it would behoove you to a find a different society where you would fit in. be it jail, Liberia or Mexico.

      Society has no responsibility to bend or change its rules to suit your dysfunctional behavior.


  4. Racial diversification is a social endemic that should concern all whites. Not just the poor or middle class Whites, but even the wealthy ones who feel detached and impervious to the dangers and complications that diversity poses. If this current meme of racial diversity keeps progressing to the point of no return it will be too late for most Whites to rebound.
    Believe me, when Blacks and Hispanics take control and outnumber Whites by a huge margin, the result spells danger for the White man. I’ve been in situations where this is a living reality and the negative vibes are palpable. It’s no fun.


    • Then you must prepare yourself for this inevitable event, when whites are a minority. Fortify your home, arm yourself accordingly and prepare every member of your household. The US is in the process of imploding and the situation in Crimea may be the catalyst. It may happen overnight as it has in other places.
      I read an account of the anarchy in Kosovo and apparently the rich homes were targeted by the looters first. The streets became too deadly because of snipers and roving bands of marauders. Those who survived were prepared, had sources of water and food, kept a low profile, had something to sell or barter, had banded together as family groups for protection and were heavily armed at all times and prepared to use deadly force without hesitation if necessary. They never thought it would happen to them, but this is how humans lived for eons before civilization imposed rules on them.


  5. I don’t see any other alternative or solution to the problem at this time, if european whites in an oblious mode anddon’t wake up and politically challenge the status quo of forced multiculturalism and diversity leading to “not just ethnic cleansing of the white race” but genocidal suicide and extinction,..other than a final race war or racial revolution to protect and preserve our heritage and racial identity.


  6. The fact that those who say, “Race is only a social construct,” say it with an angry tone of voice indicates that they do not really believe it. People do not get angry when saying something they really believe.


    • People do not get angry when saying something they really believe.

      Race denialists are angry at race realists because race realism disagrees with their own worldview, not because race denialists know better.


    • They are saying: “I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks, I do. I do. I do…” because they know the witch is listening.


  7. How about “Not being offended is a basic human right if you are a co-religionist”, although #12 comes close.


  8. Let’s say that everyone suddenly realized that race was real. Do you think things in America, as they currently are, would suddenly change? No, they wouldn’t.


    • I disagree. It would change a lot. If race realism suddenly became the standard, it would influence all our thoughts, debates, etc. It would surely influence our attitude towards migration. It would soon put migration to a halt.


      • No, it doesn’t have to do with that. Too many people still believe immigration is good for something or are unwilling to do something about it. They do not understand that their lives and future depend on it. Being against immigration for the wrong reasons also leads to wrong conclusions and solutions. Race realism gives people legitimate reasons for not wanting immigration, even for deporting people who already have citizenships.


      • Indeed, the proof is in the “location, location, location”. People know what they are expected to say by “the powers” but their choices of habitation betray their true beliefs. The vast majority, including the elite left and right self-segregate in choices of mates, friends, vocations, and neighborhoods. Everyone except the town idiot KNOWS that the metaphorical emperor is naked but dare not say so until they mistakenly believe that the microphone is turned off, after which they have to come out and feign contrition over a “poor choice of words”. Race denial is a doctrine built on fraud and fear and everyone knows it. We need no “great awakening” rather, a great confession of hypocrisy and embrace of the reality which everyone secretly acknowledges. Almost everyone IS a race realist in their soul, they simply deny it out of the belief that others are not.


      • Race realism is deeply embedded in our DNA, otherwise there would be no distinguishable races.
        The Marxist in power have tried mightily to change this but Mother Nature and 10,000 years of human history trump the Marxist and slogans. The Soviets thought they could trump human nature and forced multiculturalism down the throats of its victims. The result was massive killings, deaths from starvation, gulags, torture before and after the Soviet nation inevitably broke apart.
        It broke apart because it was built on theories of HOW things should be not HOW they really are, IOW, the entire Soviet struction was built on a pack of lies.
        Ditto for the new Amerikan nation.


    • No, things would not change significantly because this is not some “search for the answer” by the general public; it is program to destroy Anglo-Euro/Christian influenced culture wherever it amy be found. It seems abundantly obvious to me that those at the “top” are already *acutely* aware of the reality of inherent racial differences. All of the propaganda is created by them to obscure the truth to the weak-minded -or simply to justify their social meddling to those being harmed, hoping that they will win by means of fatigue.

      Everyone who stops their ears and stomps their feet, the academics who try to render some wholly improbable, inobvious, nonparsimonious hypothesis to explain “minority” failure are doing so because they KNOW the score, not because they are searching for answers or solutions. The academics are among the worst purveyors of disinformation because, I believe, they do know better and can craft their arguments more effectively to avoid the truth.


      • They retain a homeland for their tribe and ONLY their tribe while imposing massive flooding on white lands. It is the height of hypocrisy but to challenge it opens one up to charges of anti-semitism and threats to one’s livelihood, a powerful deterrent indeed.


  9. Jared, you have made a tremendous contribution to White men like us. You have opened our eyes to facts and trends that many of us normally would be oblivious to. We have rights. We know our history. We know our capabilities and the legacy our ancestors left us. We are blessed, but are left to pick up the pieces of all the profligacy and damages incurred. Sometimes, I get depressed reading about all of this, because it is hard to share it with acquaintances and sometimes loved ones without reprisal.
    I hope that God comes into my life and gives me more clarity and what to make of all of this. Maybe he can teach me forgiveness and bring sanctity to our lives. I refuse to be a forgotten victim – unknown martyr. Maybe it’s better to keep this knowledge and wisdom of AMREN to ourselves and hope that other people follow suit. But above all, I hope it gives us peace.


    • I can relate to your feelings. My moral outrage at the progressive dismantling of my culture is alienating me from my family and friends, most of whom just don’t see what I see. I must always guard my thoughts and speech. Too much passion and anger lead to embarrassed side glances, or, what’s worse, dismissing me by rolling their eyes. I feel like an outsider in my own country.

      Of course, one could say this is a problem with me, not the world. Regardless, I have two choices. I can stay silent and deny the instinctive feeling that current trends are a danger to me and my kind, or I can speak the truth as I see it, damn the torpedos, and face social isolation. Either way I’m faced with stress and its attendant threat to health and well-being.


      • Do what ever you can without stressing yourself out too much. If you don’t control it you’ll take it out on your loved ones. I’ve got a couple more decades left and if not enough Whites get involved enough to make a difference I won’t be getting a heart attack over it or taking it out on my loved ones. I’m going to try to enjoy the rest of my life no matter happens. That goes along with me pulling my weight to do what ever I can within reason to make it right for Whites. You have my respect for pulling your weight for the cause and that’s more than enough to expect from anyone. Now if more Whites did the same we’d be in much better shape. So keep spreading the word. Maybe get involved in NumbersUSA or whatever floats you. The more activists the better. Sitting around doing nothing was too stressful for me so I found ways to burn it off. Don’t let it ruin your family. Educate them and if they accept what you’re sayin’ that’s great. If not, be grateful that you tried and respect their opinions. I’ll likely never convert my sister-in-law but I respect my brothers’ relationship enough not to cause them a problem. DO NOT LET IT DESTROY YOUR FAMILY. You’re here, man. Cheers to you!


      • Some of my childhood friends called it quits with me because I am a racist. I said I was sorry about these things, but I am more convinced now that I was right. I also think I have polished my language and writing to – perhaps – where it is a little more palatable. The main difference between Spartacus and me is about 20 years and a lot of emotional pain about these things.

        In the words of William Munny, “I ain’t like that no more.”


      • I just lost a friend last week, a nice European girl. She naively wants to become a teacher in an inner city school. She assumes that all races are the same, and whites can “be just as bad”. She grew up in a mostly white community in Europe and has no experience with race realism. I told her that this job will be fraught with misery and danger. She could be gang-raped, as well as suffer other attacks. I also told her that although white students aren’t prefect, it is highly unlikely that they will physically attack her, rape her, mutilate her, etc. I mentioned the statistic that black males rape 40,000 white females per year and the reverse rarely happens. She exploded when she heard that. She ranted that this is a lie, and that statistic was released by racist republicans. She seemed so threatened and enraged by my statements. She calmed down and promised to show me her sociology textbook from college, that will prove me wrong somehow. I welcomed more conversation, but she won’t speak to me anymore. I guess that’s the end of her.


      • Nothing can explain an outburst like that other than pure fideism. If she had said, “That may be true but I still have a moral obligation, because of what we did to these people, to take the risk”, that would have been preferable.

        Liberals complain about us religious folk and our believing in the “tooth fairy”, but at least our faith is based on reason. Theirs… not so much. And they even think they’re being rational.


      • I agree. To be fair, an intelligent person would question any extreme statistics…but she claimed that this could NEVER be true. Anyone who mentions unflattering crime statistics is racist and Republican (they always go together). It’s a shame, she can be a nice person and has common sense views on other issues.


      • Stay cool. When this young lady gets a dose of the monsters and feels a daily fear of being attacked, she will start to change her mind. Young women don’t thrive in a severely stressful environment. she will quit. Hopefully she won’t be injured or killed in the process of learning.

        Give her a call a few weeks or months after her job starts. You might just resume your friendship. Show her a little sympathy.


      • I believe the number is 35,000-40,000. I hope she comes around before something really bad happens. We have so many race realist stories from teachers on AMREN. I know a few personally. In Boston, when forced bussing was introduced, a female school teacher we knew was brutally gang-raped by a group of her black students. They were 15 years old and she was in her 60s. I tried to tell her that story, but she would not listen.


      • She won’t speak to you anymore because she searched for the stats and found out you were correct about interracial rape. People who’ve never been around large numbers of Blacks are so naïve. Race is like a fanatical religion with these folks and you just questioned her entire “religion” so she is angry. She will sadly find out the hard way about Black inner city schools, they’ll eat her alive. She won’t last the semester.


      • I told her that. When I mentioned the Justice Department she claimed they were racist, corrupt policemen (like we see in the movies).


      • Hope she’ll be okay. There was a story in the news for a day or two a few months ago of a white math teacher in new england who got herself raped and her throat slit by a feral negro. He said he “hated them all”. I assume he meant white people. I think she had the same beliefs as your friend. You might want to look the story up and share it with your friend. Maybe she’ll keep her guard up a bit more. Oh, probably not.


      • I don’t think she will listen. Sorry to repeat myself, I have told this story before: our family knew a teacher who experienced forced busing in Boston. She was a female, about 60 years old. She was gang-raped by a pack of black students, all aged about 15 years old. That is also a horrible story. She would probably retort that white students can do this..however, when has that ever happened?


      • Modern Liberalism is her religion; and in accordance with being a good little liberal, she strongly believes she MUST self-sacrifice herself in order to feel absolved from her “white privilege” sins.


      • That happened to me years ago. I always tried to keep silent in groups of “friends”, but there is always some comment that boils my blood. I have to say something, and that has alienated many. Another source of rage is the television. At every party, it is obligatory that the TV is on. Everything in the media is anti-white so the blood boils….even if I don’t listen and just see images in my peripheral vision. I lost many friends because of AMREN. Well, that is a gross generalization. Now I say good riddance to them. It almost feels like the “Matrix” movie. I’m unplugged and know the horrifying truth. At first, one is tempted to envy the blissfully ignorant. I can’t do that though, and neither can you. Keep embracing and spreading the truth. Most whites are fed up with the double standards, destructive agendas, crime, etc. If you’re lonely, figure out ways of enjoying the time alone…study, hiking, swimming, fitness, travel. I have had the best times traveling alone. I would much rather explore the world alone (sometimes I don’t end up alone), than travel with a bunch of idiot friends.


    • With my family and friends, it took facts and examples to convince them what I was saying was actually occurring. Just saying something as fact will get you nowhere because they didn’t hear this on the news, read it in the newspaper or from their friends. Be prepared for Christians who feel sorry for those they consider unfortunate. Some will say Mexicans and others are nice people. Maybe, there are some individually, but not in a large group. They have one mission.

      It’s important to point out what their children’s future will like.

      To many, it is new information and they just can’t believe it. To them, it’s impossible. It takes some time to digest. I didn’t believe it at first, but continued to read, be observant to what was occurring in White countries.

      All of my family and friends are conservatives, but still needed to spend hours with them. Some knew what was going on but didn’t know all the dirty details. Some knew nothing and were shocked. Answered objections and questions. We have to know the answers. It’s time consumiing. All of us need to learn selling skills. It would be so much easier if we had the media on our side. At this point, I’d be happy with one TV media outlet.

      Suggest things they can do to help the cause.


      • Amen. The facts are on our side. Keep throwing it out, the evidence is all around us. No matter where you live, all areas of the U.S. from the tiniest burgs to the largest cities are becoming non-white. It is everywhere and impossible to ignore. Ask what they think it will be like when blacks, Asians or browns are the new rulers? Do they like the current situation in the U.S.? The high unemployment? The blatant discrimination against their children when it comes to college admissions? Jerks like Holder saying that hate crimes laws and civil rights do not cover whites? Is this OK with them? Do they think multiculturalism and diversity work? If they answer “yes” have them point to one single place where it works and everyone gets along perfectly without a strong-armed government to keep the peace.

        Keep throwing it out there, some will be impervious no matter what, even when they’re lined up in front of ditches waiting to be shot.


    • Right. ” We have our (natural) rights”, which were stolen over the past 50 years, and which Obama et al are, for example, accelerating ( such as the affirmative action in ObamaCare, and the money laundering of it, and the plans to put section 8 housing in the midst of the most stable neighborhoods).
      It’s time to take the gloves off. Yeah, we need a little more galvanization of propriety. OK. ALMOST time.


    • If all races were equal in their cultural or civilisational ability there would be little to no need for migration, because every population would be able to build an independent civilisation in its own country. The widespread need for migration from various countries which have enough resources for creating and sustaining a civilisation shows that other races are not equal to ours. Migration is a mark of some kind of failure, and nowadays in most cases racial failure (such as low IQ and little creativity). There is a good reason that humans are prone to be xenophobic: Humans perceive foreigners as dangerous infiltrators or invaders, and often also as losers who have left their homeland due to failure. This cognitive bias is not the result of bad education or outrageous ignorance, but it is the result of evolution.


      • Foreigners claim they want to improve their lives, but are permitted into the West by elites for sinister reasons. Cheap labor, one tribal group wants Europeans gone, overpopulated foreign countries. The list goes on.

        The tactic governing elites use is telling us immigrants and illegals are coming here to “find a better life” to pull on our guilt and sympathy strings. We’ll give in feeling sorry for them.

        There is no need for these people. It’s forced. Traitorous companies, turned nationalist to internationalist want more money for their rich shareholders. What does it matter if Western countries resemble a Crayola box as long as shareholders are richer?

        Of course, the tribe promotes this because it supports European demise.

        What really angers me is Western governments compare European immigrants to non-White third-world as if there’s no difference!
        If they don’t want to see me go ballistic, don’t say:

        “We are a land of immigrants.”

        “They come here for better lives just like your grandparents.”

        That’s what my legislators have said to me as if I was still in first grade. They are a bit surprised when I tell them my ancestors came here in 1644 and don’t give me that sh_t.


      • The reasons that Europeans migrated to America are not the same as those of contemporary migrants. There was an enormous multifaceted pressure in Europe that forced certain groups of Europeans to leave. It was much like what happened in the ancient Greek city-states: Certain weaker groups were forced to leave and create their own colony. Nobody ever told those Greeks that they should move back. Greeks were prepared to fight to the death for their colonies. They would never have been so crazy to accept some kind of open border ideology or anti-racist ideology. Greeks were racists, xenophobes and tribalists. Spartans were ultra-racist for sure.

        Europeans migrated to improve and create. Contemporary migrants are people who want to profit from the civilisation that descendants of European migrants have been developing in North America for hundreds of years or even from the civilisation that descendants of native Europeans have been developing in Europe for thousands of years and tried to defend from invading barbarians. Contemporary migrants are apologetic parasites many of whom suffer from the gibsmedat disorder and who certainly are failures due to the fact that they come to our countries with sinister intentions which are described by the euphemistic phrase “to find a better life” and they also come to our countries as individuals of peoples who have failed to build their own Western-style independent civilisation. Those zombies would not be crawling into our homelands if we were all equal. We are dealing with a zombie plague.

        The elite that allowed those cultural zombies into our homelands are guilty of treason. They have betrayed Western civilisation in almost every possible way. Whatever the ethnicity of all those non-Europeans, they are still all zombies who have never been able to built their own Western-style independent civilisation. Our traditional civilisation is something different. It is something one of a kind. It could not be any clearer that we have nothing in common with the cultural zombies who are crawling into our homelands and want to eat our brains and want to steal our men and women to create more cultural zombies. Procreating with cultural zombies only produces more cultural zombies. Talking about the beauty of cultural zombies is nothing but promoting miscegenation. Cultural zombies have no genotypic beauty due to their lack of genetic civilisational ability, and if they possess any phenotypic beauty, it is something that simply needs to be ignored. We have extraordinary inner beauty, and also enough physical beauty.


      • “reasons that Europeans migrated to America are not the same as those of contemporary migrants.”

        Absolutely. They are here to take everything they can. The entire country if we’re stupid enough to give it to them. Looks like we
        are that stupid.

        “Contemporary migrants are people who want to profit from the civilisation that descendants of European migrants have been

        The audacity of governing elites comparing them to Europeans.
        They really think we will buy into that. Ha! Their constituents are much more intelligent than they are!

        Can’t come to terms with handing over our countries to
        these roaches. Maybe, we need to ask left and right White elites if they would hand over the deeds to their homes, titles to their cars, to these parasites…and pay both off for them. They surely would say, “No, I worked years for my house, took care of it inside and outside, and put a lot of money into it. I need my car to go to work.” Same thing as giving our country away, except
        on a smaller scale. Make them pay for a rental in ghetto tenement housing and a ride on the bus to work. Possibly, it will only hit home when it becomes personal.

        It’s interesting to note as our voices become louder, so
        does ranting of ‘multiculturalism,’ White Privilege, etc.’ from the left. I think elites are becoming scared the ‘gig’ is up. Why the sudden increase in black/white, mixed children in advertising, anti-White rhetoric, White Privilege programs, etc.? I don’t think
        the sudden increase is coincidental. It’s a direct response to increasing White voices. Even if those voices are not directly
        addressing the White racial issue, they are White concerns that affect European culture. Most recently, here in the U.S., I think of the Super Bowl Coke ad directly attacking European-American culture.

        I think White elites know they are up to their necks in
        alligators, but don’t know the resolution without creating mass riots, so they turn up the heat to quiet us.


      • The most galling to me is those who come here to escape the threat of death in their homeland, but manage to travel home on vacation every year, if not more often.


      • Jane Fonda’s of this world hate us and don’t care what happens to America. She was married to Tom Hayden and named their son after a Viet Cong rebel. How crappy is that?


      • All true. Like race differences in IQ and human achievement, mass 3rd world immigration is powerful evidence of the intellectual and biological inferiority of 3rd world populations. This is, of course, why the transnational elite encourages the mass migration of these brutal, vicious immigrants. They are the ultimate biological weapon, used by multicultural extremists to wage class and demographic warfare on the white middle and working classes. As a general rule, whenever 3rd world colonists invade a metropolitan area, whites who are healthy and of sound mind flee in terror.

        The various ethnic and racial hatreds of the immigrants, in addition to their racial segregation from the mainstream and from each other, will ensure a divided electorate for a long time to come. But this is the “perfect” electorate, because the non-white foreigners can be easily exploited, maximizing corporate profit and aggrandizing neoliberal political power, precisely because they are so divided along racial lines. They lack the intelligence and creativity to successfully resist the tyranny of the multicultural elite, which is why the elitists can never have too many of these vicious, brutal immigrants.


      • There is no migration. How do you think uneducated, high-fertility, destitute blacks, Asians and browns from 3rd world countries arrive in the U.S.? or England? or Australia? How in the hell do they get here? Who pays the plane fares costing thousands of dollars, finds housing for them, gives them EBT cards, etc. How do they know do to any of this?
        Because it is being done FOR THEM by Marxists who wish to destroy white countries, using white taxpayer money.

        Non-whites are being brought in by the plane and boatload by the white-hating, hostile, alien powers in control in Washington for one reason and one reason ONLY: to destroy the white race and ONLY the white race.

        Period. And guess what? It’s working and working well.


      • There is no migration.

        I am mocking liberals by using their own words. I know that there is no two-way migration that liberals are trying to insinuate by that word. There is only one-way migration into the West. When I wrote my post, I was thinking about developing more arguments for the complete exclusion of non-Westerners from our Western societies. I do mean “complete exclusion.” No compromise. It is time to stop compromising on allowing any foreigners in our lands, whether or not they have citizenships and whether or not they have been here for several generations. The circus of multiculti society is over. Every foreigner is going back to wherever they belong, and no compromise must be made on this proposition, lest our race should become like that of Brazil.

        Because it is being done FOR THEM by Marxists who wish to destroy white countries, using white taxpayer money.

        The fact that those foreigners wish to immigrate to the West is a sign of failure. The elite grants them that wish. Without that elite it would indeed not have been possible, but the immigrant also deserves blame. Both are guilty. The elite is guilty of anti-Whitism, and the immigrant is guilty of parasitism. Do not get me wrong on my views on those who do not belong to the single race that built Western civilisation: All races that come into the West do not come here because of success but because of failure.


  10. Race denialism has much more genocidal implications than race realism. That is something that you must realise


  11. Your mentioned “Race Differences in Intelligence” is now removed from Youtube because they have decided some scientific information is hate speech. Is there another source for this media?


    • the left would couch it like this: homosexuality is natural; heterosexuality is a social construct as is the idea of a nuclear family.

      Fathers are authoritarian, according to the left, and should not be heads of households; a more natural family is one headed by a female or with two female heads of households.


      • If the left think fathers are authoritarian, they have never met either my mother or my wife. I always agree with them immediately because since I know I’m going to do it eventually, it saves us all a lot of trouble if we just get it over with right away.


  12. Yes, one can be born with a tendency for crime and violence, and one can be born stupid.

    In fact, being intellectually smart often has nothing to do with common sense. It often happens where very intelligent people can do incredibly stupid things.

    If there is no difference between races, then why is it that the island nations of Japan and Iceland are much better and more efficient running societies than that of Haiti, that borders the Dominican Republic? In fact, even the Dominican Republic runs better than Haiti on it’s border!

    Even though Great Britain, Germany and other European countries are in serious danger with ever increasing populations of African and Muslim immigrants, the European countries are are still very much more efficient running nations than any of the African countries.

    Even though the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca civilizations had no horses and no wheels, except as children’s toys, it is amazing that these Amerindian peoples could build such advanced civilizations. These civilizations, even though they were not as advanced as Europe, were still superior to anything in sub-Sahara Africa.

    One piece of evidence to prove that some races are much more prone to crime and violence than other races, is that it is much more safer to walk the streets of any big city, in a white neighborhood, or an Asian neighborhood, such as any city’s China town, than it ever is in any black or hispanic neighborhood.

    During night and day, plenty of white people can be seen walking around in the China town, in any big city, especially when it comes to patronizing it’s Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, and other such restaurants. But most white people are sensible enough not to walk around in black neighborhoods like that of Harlem, North Philly, or anywhere in Detroit!


  13. 1. IQ doesn’t matter exist except when it comes to death penalty cases
    2. We must import hoards of non-whites from the 3rd world to do the jobs Americans won’t do.
    3. Blacks do not have higher crime rates than whites; whites rape more black women than vice versa.
    4. Whites who object to their own genocide are psychopathic.


  14. It’s about time. When the law breaks down and the government ignores it or won’t protect you or your loved ones, favors “others” over you and your kind (like Holder for instance) or refuses to prosecute criminals, vigilantism is the inevitable result.
    Our ancestors, even two generations ago, knew how to take care of those who harmed their women and children.
    There will be justice. What surprises me is how long it’s taking for whites to get fed up with blacks willfully preying on their children without consequence. IMO, the entire community should be made to pay until it gets its own people in line. In the old days, entire towns would be burned to the ground to send a message to anyone even thinking of harming whites.


  15. Apropos: College Basketball. Every tournament game I switch on seems to have 5 blacks v. 5 blacks these days. Even after the last 30 years or so where white boys were SUPPOSEDLY learning to play basketball like a black man, … and concomitantly black boys learning to do more intellectual things than play b-ball.. the patterns have seemed to fall back to the familiar gene-explained pattern.


  16. Anectdotal, but informative:

    I ( PM) just spoke with an inside source of drug/prostitution rings in Baton Rouge.

    I asked ( quite suspecting the answer): what is the racial breakdown of pimps and girls.

    A: all the bxxxard POS pimps are black, most of the druggie/victim/prostitutes are white girls.

    – –

    not MOST of the pimps were black
    ALL were black
    (black interracial rape is thousands of times the opposite
    black murder rate about 10 x
    black IDU about 10 x
    black drug pushing……….surely more than 10x)


  17. Thank you for an excellent video.

    The ideological mind-set which denies the existence of race is, I suggest, a consequence of our horror at the Holocaust, which has been wrongly attributed to “racial prejudice” against Jews.

    Wrong, because European Jews are NOT a different race from other Europeans. Those who think they are, are subscribing to Nazi racial ideology, which in my view was insane. Seeing significant racial differences between different groups of Europeans, including European Jews, who are all closely related peoples, really is a “social (and political) construct”.

    Instead of rejecting Nazi racial ideology for the insanity it was, academics (many of them Jewish, of course) decided to claim a spurious moral authority for themselves by rejecting the very concept of race, thereby creating an ideology which was the exact, but equally extreme and insane, opposite of Nazi racial ideology.

    This is the ideology which now dominates the West, partly because people are terrified of the consequences of facing up to the truth, but more importantly, I think, because all western states have embraced it, just as in medieval times they embraced Church ideology, which forms the basis of their claim to moral authority, legitimacy and the power that goes with them.

    The medieval notion of “Original Sin”, has been replaced with the more secular notion of Racial Prejudice (the natural human inclination to identity with members of one’s own tribe, e.g. race or ethnic group), i.e. “Racism”, which only submission to priestly/academic/political/state ideology and authority can save us from eternal damnation for, not as heathens and heretics, as in the past, but as “bigots” and “racists”.


    • Jews are an ethnic group, which means that are in some sense a race. Additionally, they had a long tradition of endogamy which has only lessened in the past few generations. Also note that 100 years ago it was common to speak of “the Irish race” or “the Portuguese race.” Even as late as WWII .Churchill referred to the English as “this island race.”

      The question of the genetic roots of Ashkenazis is a highly contentious one:


      …But some scientists question these conclusions. “While it is clear that Ashkenazi maternal ancestry includes both Levantine [Near Eastern] and European origins—the assignment of several of the major Ashkenazi lineages to pre-historic European origin in the current study is incorrect in our view,” physician-geneticists Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Rambam Healthcare Campus in Israel, whose previous work indicated a Near Eastern origins to many Ashkenazi mitochondrial types, wrote in an e-mail to The Scientist. They argue that the mitochondrial DNA data used in the new study did not represent the full spectrum of mitochondrial diversity.

      Eran Elhaik, a research associate studying genetics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, is split. He agreed with the study authors that the study rules out a Near Eastern origin for many mitochondrial lineages of the Ashkenazis but disagreed that it rules out a Khazarian contribution. “Jews and non-Jews residing in the regions of Khazaria are underrepresented, which biases the results toward Europe as we have seen in many other studies,” he said in an e-mail toThe Scientist. Elhaik recently concluded from autosomal DNA that European Jews did, in fact, have a Khazarian background.

      David Goldstein, a geneticist and director of the Center for Human Genome Variation at the Duke University School of Medicine, said that the questions of whether there was a Khazar contribution to the Ashkenazi Jews’ lineage, or exactly what percentage of mitochondrial variants emanate from Europe, cannot be answered with certainty using present genetic and geographical data. Even if a set of variants are present in a specific region today, that doesn’t mean that the region always had that set of variants. Some variants could have been lost due to drift, or perhaps migration altered the balance of variants present in the population.

      “These analyses really do not have any formal statistical inference about evolutionary history in them,” Goldstein wrote in an e-mail to The Scientist. “They are based on direct interpretations of where one finds different [mitochondrial DNA] types today. And so the analyses are largely impressionistic.”


      • There is a huge amount of detail (some of which you present in your response to me) and confusion, which we need to cut through, so that we can deal with the really important, central issue, which is our inherent and intense tribal nature, and its suppression, manipulation and exploitation, especially by the state and statists.

        It is surely no coincidence that we have all been brought up to either trivialise, ridicule or demonise our tribal nature, rather than to take it seriously and recognise the hugely important role it plays.

        Academics are largely responsible for this, i.e. the very people we look to as authorities in understanding such things, who, like their medieval counterparts, are privileged clients (if not actual employees) of the state, whose role, self-image and ideology (social, political, economic, racial etc) the have a massive personal self-interest in rationalising and defending.


    • I think it has been pretty much concluded that Ashkenazi Jews are, to varying degrees, eastern European/middle Eastern hybrids.

      That said, contemporary Jews are defiantly NOT a distinct ethnic group. They don’t necessarily belong to a particular race. I.e., Jews are represented in ALL races and combinations thereof.. Moreover, they don’t even have to practice Judaism to qualify as being Jews — plenty of atheists Jews around, even Buddhists etc. What then is the defineing feature of who or what a Jew is?

      For a sage Jew to tell it: the answer, of course, depends upon the interest of who was asking.


      • As a rule, I can’t tell Jews from non-Jews, unless they make a point of telling me. When I see photos of Anne Frank, for example, I don’t see a young Jewish girl, but a young white, European girl. For me, RACE is something you either SEE or you don’t. If you don’t see it, it has no importance, unless it is given importance, as it was, in a criminally insane way, by the Nazis.

        Clearly, many have been conditioned into not seeing race, even when it is manifest to most people (e.g. the racial difference between a European and a sub-Saharan African), and this conditioning has been given a very high moral value, massively exaggerated by the demonisation of those who confess to seeing race and being influenced by it. It has been elevated to state ideology, just as medieval church ideology once was, and derives its importance from the fact that the state bases its own moral authority on it.


      • “When I see photos of Anne Frank, for example, I don’t see a young Jewish girl, but a young white, European girl.”

        When I see photos of Barbara Streisand, for example, I see a white woman but also recognize she displays physical characteristics that are VERY common amongst the Ashkenazis. Does that make me a Nazi? Of course not.

        I don’t say that to mock you. My point is there can be very obvious differences within racial subgroups or very nuanced and subtle differences; but those differences are, nevertheless, very distinguishable and matter a great deal to people. I wish those differences didn’t matter, but the fact IS they do — and that phenomenon isn’t going to change any time soon nor — should it. Because of that, it is imperative that non-Jewish whites cease and desist, IMEDIATLY, their effort to deny those differences. If whites continue to embrace abstract nonsense viz “anti-racism” or “race is a social construct”, the white race will indeed continue to be led down the path into forced ethnocide by stealth; and even more morally repugnant, knowingly and willingly submit to ethno-suicide. All done “for the greater cause of eradicating white-racism” they tell us.

        BTW, the other point vis-à-vis the “original sin” you made is spot on. Was that ideology not hatched in the Frankfort School itself? More particularly wasn’t the author of such Theodore Adornor?

        The somewhat rhetorical question is: By what means could such evil ideas ever take root then become the prevailing ideology within Western civ?


  18. .
    The Marxist model mandates biological sameness. Biological sameness allows “disparate impact” to be attributed to social rather than physiological/genetic causes. Those imagined social causes, such as ‘white privilege,’ can then be tweaked and calibrated to affect the desired outcome of fairness, justice, and equality. Hence gender bending, social construct excuses, feminism, etc. — all are attempts to develop the illusion that human differences are too minute to substantially affect economic outcomes. The Marxist conclusion is that economic disparities are unfair. And so they embark on such silliness as Affirmative Action, forced school integration, ad infinitum as tweaking devises.

    The problem, of course, is that social outcomes in free-market systems are affected by genetics. When one drives through a low rent urban district, into the middle-class suburbs, and ends the journey at a neighborhood with plush, green lawns and million-dollar houses, one has literally experienced the gradation of disparate impact that is caused, primarily, by a relative gradation of intelligence.


  19. “The ideal that race is some kind of illusion is so wrong and stupid that only very intelligent people could persuade themselves that it is true.”

    – Jared Taylor

    “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

    – George Orwell


  20. I thought Horgan was trolling in that post. Specifically this tidbit:

    These are the same sorts of things said in 1994 when Harvard researchers Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray argued in The Bell Curve that programs to boost black academic performance might be futile because blacks are innately less intelligent than whites; and in 2007 when geneticist and Nobel laureate James Watson ascribed Africa’s social problems to Africans’ genetic inferiority. (Watson is also a former Harvard professor. What is it with Harvard? Could there be something in the drinking water?)



    • I just read John Horgan’s entire essay. It is outrageous. Fortunately, most of the comments are negative. Nevertheless, this is certainly the way a lot of liberals think.


  21. Excellent list Mike!!! Crime is a result of lack of couth and decency, but the Leftists don’t want to hear this. Anything to put Negroids on a pedestal for these Libtards. They just don’t want to accept racial reality.


  22. I found this great quote. Mencken could have had Jared Taylor in mind:

    The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth..

    – H. L. Mencken


  23. According to liberals, Race does not exist.

    Unless of course politics, school admissions, job applications, housing applications or law suits are at issue. Then race suddenly becomes very real in their eyes.

    Hypocrites all.


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