551 thoughts on “The 2012 Election: What It Means for Whites

  1. Well said.

    What do we do? I, for one, am applying for jobs in Europe. Norway is lovely this time of year. They might want someone with two doctorates but no diversity credentials.


    • Norway in November is lovely?   Hmmm, each to his own I suppose.   To assist your application I advise you should convert to the religion of peace and tolerance.   They will be only too keen to accept you as that would demonstrate that Andres Behring had absolutely no effect on their immigration policies.   On the contrary in fact..!


    • Norway, like all White nations are targeted for mass Black immigration so they too can become slaves of the Blacks.

      This is a world wide attack on the White People.  It was planned decades ago.

      Every single “White” nation is being invaded. Everyone.

      Coincidence? Intentional?


    • Norway is it? Interesting choice… I don’t think you have ANY idea what the hell you are talking about. Scandinavian countries are actively and aggressively importing Islamics to their own genocidal benefit. They are even more lost than the States. Would you like to see Norway’s new “Culture Minister” I wish I was making this up.  http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/woman-of-pakistani-origin-is-norwegian-culture-minister/article3932797.ece

      Jesus Wept.


  2. As always, a great video, very well said. I think the point needs to be made that this should not be taken as ‘vote GOP no matter what.’  The GOP has been a disaster for whites, flooding the country with illegals and supporting the same policies that the Democrats do. If the GOP wants white people’s votes, they must adopt a platform friendly to our interests  namely, less economic socialism, no NAM immigration, and no more imperialist foreign policy. I think third parties such as the Libertarian Party or the Constitution Party  (niether of which is perfect on white issues) getting large numbers of white votes may be the only thing that could make the GOP rethink white issues. 


    • Indeed don’t vote Republican but for an alternative. So that they can see where their vote went, if necessary kill them off.


  3. I didn’t read all 270+ comments but I see abortion is being discussed. I don’t see why Republicans can’t use the argument regarding the population pressure of immigrants. As Bill O Rielly said “even if they are good people, they all can’t come here”. We will never fix any of the problems with education, healthcare, traffic and gridlock in the cities, lack of jobs,  if we don’t close the borders.  I’m as much of a racialist as most on this website, but the Republicans don’t have to use race to say “Sorry America is FULL”. Then maybe the budget can be balanced etc, etc.  But the Republican party is all about entertainment and show but no real action.


    •  The Republicans have to use every weapon available if they are ever going to be relevant again. I personally think they are done. The GOP has let themselves be turned into the official whipping boy of the Leftist tyrants. The are less a viable opponent and more of a trophy trotted out for the Politically Correct mentally ill Leftists to spit on and revile. Most Republicans are personally decent people (I exclude the GOP leadership who are disgusting Quislings to a man), but they need to wake up from their denial, understand ALL of the horrible reality and speak ALL of the truth and that includes race. Half measure just ain’t in it any longer.


  4. Republican Party bigwigs will be of no help.  Already, the party’s key organizers are crowing about the need to be more “inclusive” (i.e., less white.)  There’s a good quote from GOP strategist/Christian Right activist Ralph Reed, one of the most useless people in politics, in today’s Wall Street Journal about how Republicans need to reach out to those Americans whose voices aren’t being heard.       


    •  I know that useless pud Reed didn’t mean this, but he inadvertently told the truth. The Republican Party does need to reach out to those Americans whose voices aren’t being heard: White people. White people are not only not being heard, we’re barely allowed to even speak. The Republican Party IS the party of Whites. The GOP is just too cowardly to admit it. I’ve mentioned this on a couple of Tea Party sites that I frequent and the very idea of race is very threatening there.

      But race is the issue. There’s a race war going on and Whites are the ONLY ones being attacked and we’re also the only ones not fighting. In the next four years the truth is going to come down like a hard, cold sleet storm.


  5. No….”whites” did NOT originate multiculturalism and massive third world immigration….a particular tribe that LOOKS white but isn’t….instituted these horrifying things on an unsuspecting populace. Obama is NOT the enemy of this tribe, and in fact, Wall St. put him into power both the first and second time. Wall St. was the biggest contributor to both Romney and Obama. They cover their bets.
    JT’s video is brilliant and I can’t wait to see the next one. IMHO, the biggest issue is immigration, and the talk of amnesty (already!) from Biden. If they legalize from ten to twenty MILLION illegals, we might as well pack our bags and go. Somehow, by any means necessary, we must stop them from doing an amnesty. The future of this country depends on our stopping this encroachment on our RIGHTS as white American citizens. None of the other issues compare to immigration, because none of the other issues are such an IMMEDIATE threat to whites. Abortion is a big concern, certainly, but it ranks second to immigration.


  6. Romney won an all time record of 59% of the white vote which would have been a landslide endorsement just 10 years ago. Now 93% of blacks voted for Obama; 71% of Hispanics; and 72% of Asians. The third world hordes are overturning the will of the European Americans who built the country the new waves of immigrants are destroying. The GOP can only survive if it candidly embraces the cause of white America, and stops trying to pander to the newcomers and blacks.In time, White America will become a rump state, once the liberal dummies in the Oregon, Montana, Utah and the Midwest and New England realise they have painted themselves into a corner, and link up with the Old South, down throgh Alabama. The disruptive minorities in New York will have to be ejected, and the southwest handed back to Mexico, as well as the third world invaders who have proved themselves hostile to white America. The blacks can also leave a society where they cannot expected to be supported by a re-emergent racial consciousness, where whites know they must preserve the fortified rump to which they will be reduced. Similar sequestration will occur in much of Europe.


  7. As Whites become more marginalised, they’ll use money as a weapon, jobs, wages, welfare etc, we need to counter this with  alternative money systems, buy Silver and Gold, and maybe look into buying a couple of Bitcoins. They intend to operate a cashless society  so they can control  access to  money, and it will be whitey that bears the brunt of this. We should prepare and hedge against this move with Gold Silver and a Bitcoin or two which can be stored in a ‘Brainwallet’

    What  is Bitcoin.


  8. These comments here tonight explain why the US is done.  Stupid ‘white’ people still arguing over ‘gays’ or ‘abortion’ or ‘drugs’.  None of that matters.  There will always be gays and women who kill their babies and people whom use drugs.  I dont like it either, but I also know it’s largely moot.  Get over it.

    Real, genuine White people have been defeated, at least as how most of us here define “White”.

    Oh the hell with it.  I’m sick of posting here and on other sites, just to be ridiculed and made fun of becuase I face reality.  I’m sure this post will be ‘moderated’ because I crossed some idiotic ‘line in the sand’ of ‘civility’.  DUMB.

    None of this is going to end until White people declare WAR on non-Whites.  You people who still think ‘reform’ is possible are a large part of the problem.

    Keep on clinging to your ‘civility’ and all this highbrow handwring while we get flushed down the toilet.  Keep going to your ‘parties’ with browns and blacks while they smile to your face and stab you in your back.  Oh, yes, you are so ‘holy’ and ‘nice’ and ‘civilized’ while you get slaughtered.

    Honestly, if there is a God, he is DISGUSTED with our lack of self-respect and identity.

    It will be interesting to see how long my post stays up.


    • “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” — Thomas Edison

      Ridicule, slander and hostility are just part of the process.


    • “There will always be gays”

      This is entirely irrelevant to the issue of  Special Rights for (Self-Proclaimed) ‘Gays’ …  of which gay marriage is just a subset.  We all know what happens under a regime of Special Rights:  all the reasonable rules of free Association, time/place restrictions, keeping of good order, public safety, protection of the rights of the majority…  goes out the window in favor of the whims  of the Special Rights group.

      “These comments here tonight explain why the US is done.  Stupid ‘white’ people still arguing over ‘gays’ ”

      I’m not arguing over gays.  Very few people here on this website would contest the situation of tolerance, such as existed in the 1970s:  Everybody knew one or two gays, you didn’t beat them up, they were free to operate, they could be open to friends and confidantes, …. but at the same time there was a duty to the common good to keep their predilections quiet.

      Unfortunately, gays, just like blacks  before them, are bent on proving beyond a reasonable doubt the adage, “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile”.

      Even before Tuesday, I was getting carpet-bombed with  Gay Television,  Gay Politics,  Gay Bumper Stickers, Gay Wedding Announcements (“Come to the breakroom and honor Cindy and Caroline on their engagement for a civil union”).  It’s Gay Gay Gay 24-7.  After this resounding victory for gay rights on Tuesday, what straight would dare, for example, complain to a gendarme about two gays getting it on on a park bench in front of your kids?  You would have gay activists with plenty of time on their hands, picketing in front of your house.    And the gendarme would write you up to appear before the human rights commission for even complaining.

      For Western civilization, this is a bigger survival issue than even race.   Just ask the Romans.  Sorry.


    • Tell you what. Start the War buddy. Go right now to wherever and declare war on non-whites, in public, loudly. Take EVERYONE else here that is too dim to understand subversion, subterfuge, and manipulation with you. Mostly hard line, low IQ, ultra conservatives. All of you Start the War. I’ll be popping popcorn watching from the sidelines as you rocket yourself into the history books. I’ll take moderate INTELLIGENT Whites, and start the revolution a different way, and long after you’ve marginalized yourself into irrelevance, my children’s children will continue what I started.


      • What is an ‘ultra-conservative’ anyway? Are you one of those types who thinks that someone who’s ‘right wing’ is automatically ‘low IQ’?

        Anyhow, when I said ‘war’ I meant the same way they are currently waging war against White Civilization everywhere. It’s an attidute I speaking of, an attidute you clearly lack, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

        But nevermind, you are so much better and smarter and more restrained then I can ever hope to be.

        Yeah – go ahead and watch from the sidelines ‘budy’.


    • I appreciate your take on this. That White people declare WAR on non-Whites. I live in a building of mixed races. I completely ignore the blacks and Domenican Republic immigrants in our building. Even if they speak to me I just move past them. We have mudsharks here also. I ignore them also. There is no way we should have to assimilate with people we don’t trust and have proven they are not trustworthy. Our cultures are different and I do not want to adapt to anyone elses culture. I like my culture thank you.


  9. White Republicans are just plain, simple and stupid. Their failure to see an Obama win 4 weeks ago is proof of that. Will the GOP put forward another G W Bush in 2016? Most likely. Look at the damage he did to the US economy! Why do the self-destruct so often? Why do they still listen to Karl Rove?

    Their traditional core values; hard work, family, self reliance, anti-war, pro-education, etc are good values. The GOP can win with those values; Reagan did (then he doubled the deficit) Why are they out there saying rape is ” God’s Will”? The GOPs message is a good one. Why do they insult such a large number of voters by saying things that are’t even issues


  10. John Engelman is one of the most callous people toward whites he considers “low IQ whites”. To him, whites who have never held and can’t hold a professional career aren’t worthy of a good life, apparently. Better to bury those whites under an avalanche of high IQ nonwhites.

    Then, in almost the same breath he comments on how greedy and uncaring the Republican party is toward working class and middle class whites because they are in the bag for the richest ten percent. That’s true, but I don’t see much difference between them.


    • That is a legitimate criticism. I do not see myself as callous toward them. I just recognize unpleasant realities. I care about everyone who obeys the law and plays the game by the rules, regardless of race. I particularly care about those who play the game by the rules and lose.

      Because I believe in the importance of genetics I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. Hard work, honesty, and decency will keep one out of prison. They will usually keep one off of welfare. They will not make one rich. Many rich people have none of those qualities. 


      • I clicked on the link you provided, I hadn’t heard that story about the Giant’s fan down here in Southern California.  He must have been White, attacked by a black otherwise it would have been news all over the state, if not the country.  Even the police are downplaying the attack:

         Investigators believe Moffitt may have been injured by accident in the rowdy celebration on Haight Street police spokesman Officer Gordon Shyy said.

        Yeah, right.

        San Francisco is firmly controlled, top to bottom, by leftist maniacs.

        Here is their legacy in “latest news:” (from the same page as the Giant fan’s beating death):

        *NorCal Homeowner Arrested After Fatally Shooting Burglar, Wounding Another.

        *‘Roaming Rapist’ Arrested for 35 Counts of Rape in Sacramento Area.

        *Toll Plaza Murder Suspect Asks for Quick Conviction to Watch Monday Watch Night Football.

        *CBS 5 Cameraman Beaten, Robbed After Oakland Live Shot.

        *Woman Found Dead in San Jose Home Homicide Suspected.

        Fallout:  California!!!



  11. “There isn’t a single point this man makes that isn’t blindingly true. He lays it out so simply, that his conlusions on the fate of whites and the Republican Party should be manifest to even the most politically naive. Will European-Americans ever wake up from their deep, deep, delusions on how the dynamics of power operate? I sadly doubt it, for the majority of whites I’ve come into contact with.


  12. Listen to Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent who defected to the US, on youtube. These Bezmenov recordings are from the 80’s. There is an ongoing socialist/communist plot to destroy the United States and implement a marxist agenda. Listen to Alan Watt on Cutting Through the Matrix. According to Mr. Watt, the white man (race) is being phased out to bring in a better slave class to serve the NWO.  I believe both are quite accurate in their assessments and its only a matter of time.


  13. If Blacks voted 95% for Obama, Asians voted 72% for Obama, Latinos
    voted 71% for Obama, and
    Jews voted 69% for Obama;  Obama only needed about 35% -40%
    of the White votes. The present demographic change will continue the same pattern or most likeke increase and
    the absolute number and % of the minorities will increase more.

    Unfortunately conservative Whites are a political minority. Even
    conservative Hispanics ( pure or mixed but dominant Spanish-European genetics, proud
    American citizens, Christians, hardworking , considered Whites or “blanquitos”
    at their countries of origin, etc.) are being manipulated by the leftists. They
    dislike the liberal and black agenda but at the end voted for Obama. Why? They
    felt rejected by the GOP.

    The leftist/Black agenda is winning.


  14. Amen, Jared Taylor. Wouldn’t change a word. Greatly look forward to the next video. Yes, what to do, in a practical sense. We are at a time when that is the most important question to discuss, and yet that is the question least discussed. 


    check out vdare.com s “Missing White Voters” , and Limbaugh too. I’m thinking these missing white voters (7 million less than in 2008, crazy given you’d think they’d want to get revenge on Obama and assert tea party stuff, etc, “take the country back”) are evangelicals who didn’t like Romney because he’s a Mormon.
    Of course Romney wasn’t great, but wasn’t voting Obama out by any means the goal? Why weren’t these white voters as furious as me at Obama?

    Unbelievable. 3 million republicans and 7 million white voters stayed home! Enough that could have voted Romney in.




    • I’m not even a little surprised. Because Romney has a God, but it isn’t my god. Romney has -this- position on abortion but it isn’t my position. Romney has millions of dollars, and I do not. Blacks and spics vote as a MONOLITH in spite of the vast differences they have as well because though they are dumb, they are smart. Whites haven’t gotten this memo and many of the people that post here are not much better.

      “Gentleman, we must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang seperately”- Benjamin Franklin, 1801

      The wisdom of the ancients stands the test of time.


    • Laugh now, Orc. If what you say is true, When we are gone this country will complete its downward spiral into the third world hellhole that the brown and black whordes have been slowly turning it into. You’ll pray for whitey to come back and fix everything.


  16. Why should I, a middle aged white male, support a candidate willing to fight a war for Israel’s interests? Curiously enough, the black man was the better patriot.


  17. Lighten up. Its always darkest before the dawn. Obama will have run out of excuses long before his 8 yrs are up and the economy twice as bad as it is now if thats possible and its for certain no other non-whites will ever be elected as even Obamas 50 million new mexicans will understand he was a total fluke so the main fight will be between the next white RNC candidate and the next red DNC candidate. Blacks wont even be a part of the equation. Unless you notice blacks and reds do not mix or get along and hate each other.
    The key to winning in 2016 is a white real latino with European heritage and that will be the Rubio caucasoid. Also by that time Obama will have already legalized all the reds anyway so it wont matter.
    Whites much understand that European white latinos are just like them and Spanish is a European tongue spoken by the same number of white Europeans who speak English.
    It is pure ignorance not acknowledge the difference between the red mongoloid Asian latino and the white caucasoid real latino European.
    This is not caving in the liberals in the least but being intelligent. The real white caucasoid latino and the  red mongoloid imposter latino must be differentiated. This is the key. The only reason the reds speak Spanish is because the white latino Europeans who discovered the western hemisphere conquered them 500 yrs ago and 100% of the Cuban Batistas who fled and got politcal asylum were of 100% European origin.
    There are well over 100-125  million pure white caucasoid European latinos in South America too mainly in Brazil and Venezuela but also in Chile and Columbia and other places.
    Be wise as serpents if you want the winner race for alltime to prevail and stop allowing the non-whites to capitalize on this and outsmart you.


    • I have found that many, if not most, White Latinos do not identify with other European Whites but with the brown-skinned Latinos. Marco Rubio is a great example. He is pro-Latino, not pro-White. He will be just as detrimental to the White race as any other Latino.


    • Can you tell me where to find the 125 million white caucasoid European latinos?   I know Latin America and never saw them.   Maybe you can finf them in Texas???!!!


  18. For those posters saying “How can we turn it round, we need to be more like the people who despise us” …you can’t turn it around. You have to start again and drop your stupid egalitarian , we are the world ideas.

    You need to be White , proud of it and totally unapologetic in going after our racial/group interests,.

    You were de-raciated for a reason. That reason is now clear . You’ave lost the country that you and your White ancestors created out of the earth through blood  and sweat. You’ve lost it because you wouldn’t stand up for yourselves , because you think like your racial enemies want you to think , because you believe in that genocidal term racism.You/we were to cowardly to stand up . Now you’ve lost what you built , you can build again ..but this you should learn the lesson. We build for ourselves, White people , we keep what we build and like the jews we ask teh only question that matters to us and our well being …”Is it good for the White race”…and never let the jews in again.


    • Tomorrow, go out in the streets, in public to every person you encounter and tell them the answer to the Jewish Question. Get off your anonymous faggotry of keyboard jockeying telling people what to do and DO it yourself. Tell every person you meet about White Power and Jewry for the next 4 years, real name, real self, in public. Go for it… Report back when complete.


  19. Romney might have won had not numerous dead demoncrats voted two and three times in the states that did not require photo ID to vote. In those states a simple Library card is enough to subvert the system.  Im not even addressing the automatic voter machines that changed many voters choice from Romney to Obama on numerous occasions.


  20. Why dont we all move to Europe and take all our roads, schools, homes, hospitals, electronic inventions, skyscrapers, automobiles and every other damn thing whites have created.  Then when the land is barren and desolate the blacks and latrinos can have it.  Lets see how they do or if they can do half as good as we did.  Im betting they try to follow us to wherever we go and attach themselves to us as the parasites they truly are instead of actually working to get there.


  21. I’m a white woman.  Conservative on many issues (well, many fiscal issues) and racially aware.  I have a high IQ and a high income and would not mind living in Jared Taylor’s America.  Not to put too fine a point on it, but — if you are trying to build an ideal white society, I am probably the kind of person you want to recruit.  However, while I voted for Mitt Romney, I would easily have voted for Obama over someone like Rick Santorum, Todd Akin or Sarah Palin.  Since these idiots have clearly come to dominate the Republican party and since a viable libertarian party is a long way off, I’ve pretty much resigned myself to an America with a Brazil-like future: wealthy white (+ Asian)  enclaves, fortified by walls and bodyguards and surrounded by an uncivilized jungle.  Fortunately, the white theocrat mouthbreathers who have doomed the Republican party will — like many of the third-world Muslims with whom they share so many social views — be too poor and stupid to reside in significant numbers within these remaining pockets of civilization, and I won’t be forced to lay eyes on them as I go about my day.  They can languish outside with the others who failed to evolve.    The small elite bubble-cities won’t be utopias — you’ll be forced to spend lots of time listening to your neighbors pontificate about fair trade and Apple products, and politicians will do their damnedest to redistribute your hard-earned money even as you struggle to keep pace with a rising cost of living.   But it’s where we’re headed.


    • The moderation level in this place is amazingly high. It is yet another reason, this race is doomed. They rail against political correctness and forcing only “one” type of thinking, and then just nuke posts with an alternate point of view. Fear and cowardice, that is what I smell here. Most of you will die with pee-pee running down your legs. I gave my perspective and it was taken away with a single mouse click. When you get your collective fear together you MIGHT have a chance until then, I go to greener pastures where open discussion amongst MEN, not sissies is the rule of law.


    • Concern trolling.  You would have never voted for Romney.  What proves that is your prostration to left wing talking points.  Because you’re a left winger.


  22. Millions of foolish people routinely squander their money in various lotteries while praying for a miracle. These hapless, misguided imbeciles have no understanding that they are far more likely to be hit by an airplane or struck by lightning than to win the lottery, yet they waste their money week after week.

    What we must to understand as Whites who desire to preserve our heritage and our race is that we have a far greater chance of winning the lottery than of having the Republican Party act in our best interests.

    Reagan betrayed us with amnesty, as did Bush I. The Republican Party had six years of unbridled control of all branches of the federal government during Bush II’s presidency, yet they did absolutely nothing to move America in a very conservative direction.

    Republican presidents, congressmen/women, Supreme Court  justices, and federal judges, all Republicans, have betrayed us at every turn for decades. Yes, the Democrats are worse, but they don’t pretend to be otherwise.

    As conservative Whites, we have enormous financial clout to bend the government to our will, yet we do not use it. Why? I have long maintained that we must become organized at a very high level and begin to quantitatively identify corporations that threat our race and our heritage. We must use that knowledge to withhold our commerce from them.

    We must also look at every conceivable means under the law to minimize our tax footprint.

    Why in Heaven’s name don’t we act? Why do we provide our commerce to corporations that are our enemies and a government that actively facilitates our dispossession? Why?

    We really need to organize and begin to act as a group. It’s far past time to stop complaining and begin acting, in an organized, methodical manner.

    Your thoughts?


    • This is why we need a WHITE organization to do just that.

      To educate and let us know which PRO WHITE companies we should do business with.

      To encourage White Areas.

      To create a White Entertainment Network.

      To establish White Student Unions on ever college campus.

      To create a White Congressional Congress.

      The list is endless.  Any organization that is serious, intelligent and does this will have MILIONS of followers.  I am guessing that 40 million of the 50 odd whites who voted for Romney would join.

      THEN, the line is drawn.


  23. When attempting to debate demographics issues with those on the left, many conservatives completely miss the point. We may as well visit the local zoo, enter the gorilla exhibit, and attempt to pursue a meaningful dialog with its simian inhabitants. The bottom line is that it would be a futile endeavor. The gorillas only know to eat, breed, and defecate. That’s what they naturally do. They simply would not understand your presence in their domain. Attempting to talk to them would only interfere with their activities of eating, breeding, and defecating. They would become angry at your presence and immediately attempt to kill you.

    Attempting to discuss national problems with Obama’s ilk and his enablers is the same. Our sides are totally different. Our focus should be on complete seperation, not on making more concessions to leftists, Blacks, and Browns. Our unrelenting drive must be on White autonomy. An all White society would certainly not be a utopia by any means, but it would be much better and much more civilized, by many orders of magnitude.

    Miscreants and undesirables simply do not belong in civilization, and I do not apologize for saying that. It’s simply the truth.


    • This is what the whites in South Africa should have done.

      They should have made the bottom half of the country for whites and separated it from the “Northern ” part.

      When the original Dutch first settled southern South Africa, there were a few small tribes of Africans that died off.  The Blacks of South Africa came down from the North and were NOT the original settlers or “owners” of southern South Africa any more than the Dutch.

      The southern part of South Africa DID belong to the white man.  It is here they should have drawn the line. Kicked out ALL THE BLACKS,  armed themselves to the teeth and said: WHITES ONLY.

      It would have worked. Why? There would be no way any blacks could have committed any act of terror or any attacks on the whites since NO BLACKS COULD BE IN Southern South Africa.

      That is the #1 reason for an All White country.  Anybody who isn’t white would be followed and questioned and monitored.  Thus, racial strife would be IMPOSSIBLE.

      In an all White nation, there would be no racism. No racial discrimination.  No “education gap”.  No racists Affirmative Action,  no Black on White woman rapes.

      We, as the White Race, will NEVER know peace until we have a White Nation.


  24. Just read this on a financial newsletter I receive – thought I should share it here…

    Most commentators wanted to make the system simpler, so that the winner would be chosen by majority of the popular vote…

    But we wonder: why should one person’s vote count as much as another’s? What is sacrosanct about the one man, one vote principle?

    Yesterday, we explained that zombies shouldn’t vote at all. People who get money from the government should abstain; they have a conflict of interest. Naturally, the zombies vote for more blood. And now, there are so many of them, it’s impossible to stop them.

    And what about people who haven’t bothered to read the paper or inform themselves about the issues? We admit; such people are usually way ahead of the common, brainwashed voter… but for the sake of argument, shouldn’t the informed voter’s vote be worth more than the uninformed voter’s vote?

    People who don’t pay taxes shouldn’t be allowed to vote either. Golf memberships… clubs… corporations – almost all require that your dues be paid up before you have the right to vote.

    Come to think of it, how come the government doesn’t operate on a “let them who pay the piper call the tune” basis? Why don’t the people who actually pay the costs of government get more say in how it is conducted? Why don’t they get more votes than people who pay nothing? You might get one vote for every $1,000 you pay in taxes, for example. If you pay nothing, you get no vote. If you pay $1m, you get 1,000 votes. Wouldn’t that be fairer?

    Or, how about this: auction votes on the internet! You just put out, say, 100 million votes. Make them available by national auction. And then voters get to decide for themselves how much they are worth… and how many they are willing to buy. You have an election every year… and give the proceeds to the government.

    You could allow for a market in votes. Vote scalpers could buy votes in a block early… and then sell them off to desperate voters on election day.

    Yes… let’s have an honest election, for a change!

    Until tomorrow,

    By Bill Bonner


  25. Amidst all the gloom and doom, there’s a few things to consider that are more positive.

    1) VERY Conservative Republicans – and very White – won domination of the House.
    The House election results are a more accurate measure of the intrinsic political mentality of the nation since the left-wing national media have much less ability to skew the outcomes.

    2) Republicans have 30 Governorships to only 18 for the demonrats.

    3) Republicans are the victim of terribly bad luck with timing.
    If sour faced bland John Kerry would have won in 2004, then all the blame for the financial melt-down would have fallen on the democrats and any Republican would have won a landslide victory. Any Republican would have nurtured the fragile economic recovery of 2009 with tax cuts, less regulation, and less government resulting in a much stronger economy and another dominating Presidential victory.

    The Conservative ideology is based on the values of personal responsibility and economic freedom.
    It’s an ideology geared to confident First World peoples in a land of great opportunity. Conservatism will never have much appeal to Blacks who are hopelessly mired in government dependency and Racism Paranoia.
    On the other hand, there’s real potential to bring a significantly larger percentage of Hispanics to embrace the Conservative ideology. They have significantly higher I.Q.s, a much better work ethic, and a recent census report showed that they greatly reduced their birthrate indicating that – unlike blacks – they have the critically important ability to use contraception.

    I’m not naive, but there are over 200,000,000 non- Hispanic Whites in America and it’s the more Conservative of us who are having, by far, the most children.
    If the Republican Party can create a stronger sense of racial-political solidarity in Northern Whites and combine it a more skillful appeal to Hispanics outside of mexifornia, then they’ll make a strong comeback in Presidential politics.

    Watch out for Ted Cruz for 2016.
    It’s long overdue for the Republicans to run a young dynamic charismatic candidate for the Presidency.


    • The U.S. House of Representatives was the firewall against what was a mild blue wave because this was the first House elections after the 2010 red wave/teanami rushed in Republican state legislatures that gerrymandered most states’ Congressional maps favorable to Republicans.  The blue wave that turned out to save Barack Claus was in a Congressional sense clumped up in safe blue gerrymander districts.  Look at Ohio:  Blue for President and Senate, but 12 of its 16 Congress seats went Republican.

      As an aside, Allen West (loser, thank God) is bitching about fraud and the new district he had to move to because the Republicans in the Florida State Legislature aced him out of his district.  I wish that one would shut up, go away and find something to do to help himself or us.  No, dillweed, your district wasn’t aced out of existence to hurt you, it was aced out of existence to help the team wearing the red kit (a bit of British lingo there) overall.  The 2010 census bumped FL up from 25 to 27 House seats, and the state legislature merely drew lines to keep as many of those 27 as possible in Republican hands, and thank God for them they did considering the Obama ground game in Florida.  You’d think an ex-military man would grok the concept of taking a bullet personally to save a company.

      As for Ted Cruz, my tribal instincts tell me to oppose a national career for him.  If he votes okay on immigration, then fine.  Let him have a nice long Senate career.  Too, he wrote the amicus brief on behalf of the states in the Heller cause, to his credit.  But I want my white country to have a white President and Vice-President.


      • I completely agree, my friend.

        With regards to many on our side beginning to yield ground to the left by making pro-Latino, pro-Asian, and pro-Black comments, I resist all of those comments and ideas in totality. I do not want Latinos, Asians, or Blacks representing me, my friends, my family, or my business. I will never vote for a Latino, Asian, Black, or Brown, nor will I ever vote for Whites who enable them or advance their causes. Period.

        It’s not because I hate them or anything illogical like that, but the fact of the matter is that we all have very strong, innate motivations to act on behalf of our own people. Latinos, Blacks, Asians, and Browns act on that and vote accordingly. Only Whites fail to do so to the same degree.

        Unfortunately, many of the weaker-minded Whites have been led astray by those who assert that diversity and multiculturalism are “good”, and conservative individuals like me are “bad”. Of course, “conservative” no longer equals “Republican,” as we have seen for many years now.

        The imperative need for the complete Balkanization of the United States grows by the hour. I am completely serious.


    • Don’t and I mean DON”T you EVER insult me by calling me a “non-Hispanic” White.

      I am WHITE.

      The phony term “Hispanic” is a fabrication.  By definition I am “hispanic” since my parents happened to be living in Brazil when my Dad (a pilot from Alabama – white racists redneck man) knocked up my Mom (white GERMAN girl from  New York) and produced me (a white racists redneck boy).

      I am serious. Drop this term.


      • In spite of my general dislike of your proposed methods, this is quite relevant. Hispanic is such bullsh!t and invented. Secondarily, like the OP is becoming more and more the mainstream with that little catch phrase that is all the rage now “non-Hispanic Whites” You see it more in MSM now than ever. This puts Whites at the bottom rung and that will become the way it is spoke from here on out. Language, and control of language is power. This is why Negros, became Colored, became Blacks, became “African Americans”. Now the other browns also want to climb the ladder of language power. Soon it will be “non-Hispanic Whites” anytime you are talking about white people.


  26. WOW! What a cliff hanger.  I agree, the Republican Party is finished, and I’m a Precinct Chair in my district.  I’m done.  Just listening on talk radio about the need to increase the base by pandering and appeasement was disgusting.  They are OVER.

    But what remains?  When I speak to other white conservatives of the need to collaborate with a racial group/identity to reclaim ones standing, values, and goals they are appalled?

    What is it going to take to get the average white conservative to understand we are under assualt, marginalized, discriminated against (diversity) and disenfranchised solely BECAUSE  we are white?  Most dont get it, they refuse to accept the truth and the facts.


  27. Henry Hi,
    I am unable to watch this video due to country restrictions. I am including the note I wrote Jared Taylor on this.  Would you be able to lift the restriction?

    Jared hi,I tried watching your latest youtube upload “The 2012 Election: What It Means for Whites”.
    I was hoping to hear your thoughts. I believe these elections were nothing short of an ethnic showdown, with the America of old on the losing end.Unfortunately, I received the message that “this video is not available in your country”.You may be aware that I live in Israel. According to Youtube the reason for blocking availability in certain countries could be because of copy rights. I can’t imagine that that would be relevant to your commentary to he latest elections.I would love to be able to see your commentary and I wanted to place it on my FB page.Would it be possible to lift the country-restrictions on your end?Many thanksYair.


  28. Jared, either name the jew or shut up already.  It’s not possible to take any race-conscious White seriously if they refuse to acknowledge the fact that every White nation is under the control of a violent middle eastern race that hates Whites and wants to genocide them.


  29. In my opinion there is perhaps only one workable solution to the decline of this great nation (Make no mistake, the decline of The American Majority IS also the decline of the nation as a whole.): End Universal Sufferage. If we established some reasonable restrictions on voting, much of our politics would change for the better. I am not rich, by any streech, but here’s my idea on qualifications for voting:
    1. You should be at least 21 years old to vote. People under thyat age are just too immature, and are ignorant of life. They only know what their teachers tell them. And don’t give me “But you are old enough to fight at 18…” That is BS. We have no draft in this country. The people in the service are all volunteers. And, as much as I respect their service, just because you are a soldier, does not mean you understand issues in this country any better than a civilian.
    2. You should be a taxpayer to vote. Retirees can vote, too, if they paid into the system most of their lives. You should at least have paid a minimum amout of taxes to be eligibal to vote. Not be rich, mind you, but at least be a productive citizen. I would make an exception if people have physical disabilities that preclude them from working.
    3. The old requirement to be a property owner works well for me, too. Be someone who has a natural stake in this country.
    4. Like running for office, you should be a citizen, AND be born in this country to vote. It would probably never pass, but I would like to add, that it would be even better if BOTH your parents are citizens, too.
    5. A literacy test is not a bad idea, either. At least know something basic about this country, and it’s government, before you can vote. (And the test is in Standard English!)

    There, that about does it. Note that it would exclude most non-whites from voting, especially people who just sneaked accross the border to get welfare freebies. I realize that passing all these requirements wouldn’t be easy, but the Republicans should work at passing at least some of them. That would ensure the survival of our two party system; of competent government in the USA; and ultimately, the survival of the White Majority in this country and the World.

    What do you fellow posters think?


    • It would be pretty obvious that the majority of those being denied would be black and brown, so rather let everyone have ONE vote (for being a citizen) but with the possibility of earning extra votes up to a maximum.

      My own idea would be based on these 5 “C” principles, namely….

      CITIZENSHIP (single basic vote for everyone of age)
      CONDUCT (deduction of, or total suspension of voting rights, depending on the offense)
      COMMITMENT (additional votes for long term citizens, ie, would benefit older people)
      CONTRIBUTION (sliding scale according to tax contribution)
      COMPREHENSION (a test for knowledge of the issues)

      Under this or a similar system citizens might have from 0 to 100 votes, but with most responsible citizens in the range of  10-30.   One could argue against a maximum limit (as there is no limit for wealth or tax contribution) but a system in which a few wealthy people held a large proportion of the total votes would not be healthy either, that is why I would propose limiting it to 100 or thereabouts, depending on size of the total vote.

      Of course nothing like this is going to happen in the large “democracies” since it would need to be “approved” by the mass of non-contributors who wield so much power.  This is my proposal for a new “country” (or city state) on long-leased land, built from scratch and inhabited by “like-minded” and “approved” citizens.   “Intentional Communities” as it were, but hopefully not the hippy fringe.     


    • Aside from the fact that I think most of your proposals are absolute non-starters in the real world, the reason I would reject property/real estate requirements is because Shaquonda can own a house with a subprime loan and a productive white person in an expensive city has no choice but to rent.

      Any proposal, like I want, to restrict the franchise to net taxpayers would never get past the courts for substantive due process.  Also, what of white first responder public employees, cops/fire/parameds?

      The only realistic route to reducing the real franchise is to restrict the vote to people under 21 to those who are in the military or are engaged in some equivalent public service, and disenfranchising convicted felons totally.  Even that will be a hard slog.  Then after that, enacting security measure on top of security measure to prevent fraudulent voting.


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